fifty eight

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harry stood at the counter, boredly scrolling through his phone. the shop was empty now after having just dealt with a customer a few moments ago, before he took out his phone again. it's been a few days since he spoke to either niall or zayn. he was still fuming at niall, and zayn was still fuming at him and wouldn't speak to him. he knew kendall told him to let zayns cool off and to stop bothering him, but harry couldn't help him. he texted and called more, and left a few voice messages. zayn hadn't even bothered to read the texts messages yet. harry felt worse and worse everyday.

even though he felt horrible due to the situation with both men, he also felt bad and sick due to the pregnancy. he just felt overall overwhelmed a little. as much as he hated it, he still dragged himself out out the house and go to work every day. sometimes he would open the shop late if he happened to wake up really sick and couldn't get there on time. harry started to feel worse and more intense symptoms as the days went on. he also started to develop a little bump too. it was big enough to cup inside of his palm whenever he touched his stomach, but small to where it wasn't obvious or noticeable underneath his clothes. it looked like fat, but anyone could tell it was a baby bump if they touched it and felt how hard it was.

harry wasn't sure if he should be showing this early on, but then again he'd never been pregnant so he really doesn't know. he just wasn't ready to swell and grow bigger. that thought really kinda terrified him— he knew it was only a matter of time before he was as big as a balloon and ready to pop. he knew it would only be a couple months until then, but he couldn't stop thinking about getting to that point.

so far this pregnancy has been the worst thing that's ever happened to him. he would think a baby would be something to be happy about, but why doesn't he feel happy? if anything this whole pregnancy has made him miserable. he knows it's not the baby's fault, but at this point he just couldn't find the will to be happy. not until everything settled down, and god knows when that will happen. niall's just as stubborn as a brick, and zayn was probably never going to talk to him again.

maybe things would be better if harry just went through this pregnancy alone without their help? he had kendall, his mother and his sister— whom he hadn't even told about anything that's been going on the past couple months, but he really needs to because usually he tells them everything. ever since his split from ben, he hadn't been as talkative or open with them. but at this time, harry thinks maybe he really did need his mum more than ever. he just didn't know how to bring this up.

harry sighs in defeat. just then, he hears the door open making the bells jingle and he looks up putting his phone down. he freezes however when he sees it's the guy who's oat likely been following him around. the man smirks and walks over to the counter. harry stands up straight from leaning on the counter and backs away slightly. the man comes and leans against the counter. he eyes harry's name tag, lips tugging into a sly smile.

"hello harry, how are you today?" he asked, bringing his eyes to meet harry's.

"uh, c-can i help you?" harry asked nervously. the man smacks his lips.

"actually you can. i would like to order a banquet of lilies." he says. harry nods. stiffly he moves from behind the counter, not knowing how else to deal with the creepy man. he just wanted to get him out of here as quickly as possible. the man followed in behind him as harry walked towards where the lilies, hand picking them for him and walking back. the guy was walking so close in behind harry. harry quickly makes his way back and wraps a ribbon of the man's color choice around the flowers, putting there in the packet and taking out a card.

"d-do you want something written here?" harry asked. he nods.

"yes, i do. just write, 'yours truly' and make it neat, it's very important." he says. harry nods and despite his shaking fingers, he writes nice and neat on the card in big cursive letters. once he is done, the man smiles as harry slides it over for him to view. "how lovely. i think my friend would like this."

harry nods biting his lip, wondering why this guy was acting so weird.he just wanted him out of here already. the man started to slide his hand into his jacket, making harry frown. "you see, i'll be attending a funeral soon, and i just wanted to leave them a nice little gift as my condolences." he deadpans. just as he's about to pull whatever he was reaching for in his jacket, the bell jingles on the door and a woman with two kids walks inside. the man clenches his jaw and takes his hand out of his jacket. instead he digs into his pocket and pulls out his wallet to pay for the flowers. he smiles at harry again. "thank you harry, i appreciate your lovely service, i'll definitely be returning. you stay safe yeah?"

harry nods quickly and he doesn't breath until the man is out of sight. harry feels sickened. he doesn't know what the hell just happended or what the man was here for, but he got an eerie feeling about it. the way he said that as he reached into his jacket so casually but discreet, sent a chill down harry's spine. harry couldn't do this anymore. once he finished off dealing with the woman and her kids, harry grabbed all his stuff and closed the shop earlier. there was no way he was going to stick around after that encounter.

harry doesn't know what his life is coming to anymore. maybe he would be better off locking himself in his room and not coming out until the baby was ready to be born.

he doesn't know how much more he can take.


poor harry. sorry for the lack of activity in this chapter, this is just a little filler chap.

who do you think that guy is? and what do you think is about to happen?

love you x

should i do a character's ask??

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