sixty four

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contact name changed to "daddy zaynie 💕"

hey z. ❤️

daddy zaynie 💕
babe, what's up?

i just got home with kendall, she's staying the night.

daddy zaynie 💕
did you guys have fun at the movies?

um, yeah, it was fun at first.

daddy zaynie 💕
yeah, it def sounds like you had so much fun.

daddy zaynie 💕
that was sarcasm btw. tell me what happened.

it was fun z. we just ran into an issue at the theater.

daddy zaynie 💕
what you mean?

i was gonna tell you this before, but other things kept getting in the way.

daddy zaynie 💕
what is it?

i kind of have a creepy stalker.


daddy zaynie 💕 is calling

"hey zee."

"what do mean you have a stalker? who's stalking you?"

"i don't know, some guy i've never seen before."

"really? when did this start? why are you just now telling me?"

"um, a few weeks ago. he kinda came out of nowhere when i was leaving work and grabbed me. he knew my name."

"are you fuc- and you're just now telling me this? what does he look like? did he hurt you?"

"no he didn't hurt me, he just stopped me and asked me if my name was harry. he had dark brown hair, hazel eyes, was my height."

"fuck, harry you should've told me before."

"i know, i wanted to z, i'm sorry."

"harry, i- i think you're in trouble."


"you're not safe, it's not safe for you to be alone."

"why? d-do you know him?"

"i don't know babe, but i have a very bad feeling. i don't think you need to be alone."

"kendall is here z, we were feeling a little uneasy so she is staying the night."

"i know babe you mentioned that, but i don't think she can protect you if something were to happen."

"zee, i don't like the way you're talking— what's going on?"

"i will explain everything, but i just don't think you are safe there. please, come stay with me?"

"f-for tonight?"

"just for a while babe, i know this sounds crazy, i swear i'll explain everything to you, i just don't feel like you're safe. babe, you're pregnant and vulnerable, i don't want anything to happen to you. this whole thing is making me uneasy."

"o-okay, i'll come stay with you. what about ken?"

"she can come too, i just want you to be safe."


"pack a week's worth of clothes, i'll come and pick you up in a few, okay?"

"okay zee, i really don't know what's going on, but i trust you."

"you'll know, babe. just trust me, i'll see you in a bit."

"okay, i love you."

"i love you too. be there soon baby."

call ended


so what's going to happen? what does zayn know? 🤭


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