ninety two

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zayn ended up staying over at harry's house. when the two awoke from their hour and a half nap, zayn assisted that he stay and help harry. harry didn't want to feel like he was being a burden, but zayn assured him that he wouldn't be. zayn wanted to stay here to not only help harry, but to watch over him as well, and simply be here with him. besides, the older man came as a big help too.

he assisted anne with cooking dinner, where he got more acquainted with her. they had only talked for a short time during harry's stay at the hospital, but here they could really learn a few things about the other. she was surprised at how much of a sweet man zayn could be. he was well mannered and respectful. it was actually a little confusing as to why he was nice after everything that went down between him and her son. it seemed to her they were both just kinda floating around the issue, but never really going into it.

it was obvious that the two of them cared so deeply for one another, it was evident in their eyes every time they looked at one another that there was love. they honestly needed to take a seat and have a talk to air everything out, talk about their feelings and speak their minds. see if they even wanted to continue to pursue a relationship with one another, or if other options should be considered. they needed to fix whatever their problem was, because ignoring it wasn't going to do either of them any good.

even though things have been a little weird between the two of them lately, they did share a special moment snuggling up to one another in harry's bed, which helped loosen up the tension a bit. but there was still a lot to be talked about, still some unresolved matters, hidden emotions.  the day went on without a problem. zayn and harry pretty much stayed the same, although slightly less awkward and a little more vocal.

during dinner time, the four of them engaged in small talk. here and there gemma or anne would bring up embarrassing subjects regarding harry, trying to lighten the mood and get a good laugh out of the two (they both seemed very angsty and on edge). it succeeded, bringing this light hearted mood ambience the air.

soon, once everyone was done eating, gemma and zayn lended anne a hand in clearing off the table. harry also tried to aid them but he was scolded by his mother and sent away. she didn't want him to be on his feet for too long, he needed to rest his ankle as much as possible. the more he was on it, the longer it would take to heal. in result, harry just fled up to his room—zayn offered a hand in getting him there, but harry persisted that he was fine and could manage on his own. harry ran himself a nice warm bath once he was safely up the stairs.

zayn remained in the kitchen, loading dishes into the dishwasher, and tidying the kitchen. anne's eyes we're studying him the whole time, silently watching his every move. she regarded him with a faint smile settled on her lips.

"you love him, don't you?" she asks him all of a sudden. zayn stops what he is doing, freezing on the spot. he doesn't turn around to face her immediately, his mind starting to wonder. zayn closes his eyes briefly, before turning around towards her and prying them open. he lets out a sigh.

"is it obvious?" he questions. she chuckles softly, nodding slightly.

"a little bit, yeah." she replies. zayn laughs to himself, rubbing a hand over his face. he stayed quiet, staring nowhere in particular, getting lost in his thoughts for a moment. he feels a gentle hand come to rest on his shoulder. with surprise, he looks down at anne with curiosity. "listen, harry told me what happened between you two...but it's quite obvious that you two adore one another. i can tell you still cherish him a lot, otherwise you wouldn't even be here doing as much as you are now."

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