seventy two

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everything happened so fast. it was just a normal night for the two of them. zayn and harry had been getting ready to head off to bed tonight because harry wasn't feeling well and he was cramping pretty bad. it was pretty late, the couple having stayed up all night. so zayn was going to sleep with him, and hopefully help him cope through the pain. harry lied down first while zayn had went off to use the bathroom. that's when harry hears a loud bang coming from down stairs, sounding like someone kicking the front door in and foot steps of people rushing inside. everything happened so quickly.

there was sounds of yelling and gun shots went off. harry sat up in bed with wide eyes just as zayn rushes out of the bathroom when hearing the noise. he immediately understands what's happening. a string of cuss words fall from his mouth as he rips the closet door open and pulls out a box full of guns, grabbing one and quickly loading it. harry is in surprise about what's going on, but on the inside his heart is starting to race and he is shaken.

zayn gets harry onto the floor, hidden behind the bed, and tells harry to stay quiet. he's trying his best to console harry who is freaked out, telling him to stay calm even when he knows harry won't be calm. but he promises to keep harry safe and make sure nothing happens to him. zayn tells harry he has to go down and help get rid of these guys and secure the house. that's when harrys eyes had filled up with tears and he begged zayn not to go and leave him, fearing that zayn would get hurt. zayn told harry to just trust him and told him everything would be alright, trying to do his best to console harry. even though he himself didn't know how things would turn out, the only thing he could do was promise harry that he wasn't going to get hurt and that no one would hurt harry.

when zayn finally leaves, he tells harry to lock the door and stay hidden, and not to make a sound. harry stayed leaned against the bed with his knees pulled up— his baby bump making it feel a bit uncomfortable now. he was so scared, he never been in this type of situation and he didn't know how to react and he couldn't stay calm. things got crazy when the yells were louder, he could hear everything done from the gun shots to the fighting, struggling, glass breaking and shit falling over. harry's heart is pounding in his chest erratically. he makes the rash decision to shakily reach for his phone and get niall on the phone.

frantically explaining everything to niall, harry's hands were shaking so bad he barely hold the phone in his hand, and his sped up heartbeat made him sound out of breath. he did everything niall told him, and niall told him he was on the way. harry knee zayn would hate that he called niall for help, but he couldn't help it. he was so afraid. he was so afraid of something bad happening to zayn, but now he felt worse because he got niall involved and his life could be in danger too. harry's never been so scared in his life.

now he was in the very back of zayn's thankfully huge closet with the door shut, his knees are pulling up and his arms wrapping around them with his head down. tears are spilling down his face as he tries his hardest to keep his cries quiet. all he could hear is complete mayhem downstairs and his heart won't slow down. all he could think about were zayn and niall getting hurt. all the sickness and pain from earlier had faded away and replaced by the panic that currently accompanied his stomach. every time he hears the deafening sound of a gun sound off, all he could think over and over again in his head was: please be okay, please be okay. he hopes they are okay.

harry sharply inhales when he hears a loud banging outside the door, and his eyes widen slightly. the banging continues and suddenly the door is being kicked in, and he can hear someone entering the room. harry gasps softly, bringing a trembling hand up to cover his mouth and prevent any stray noises from escaping. he listens to footsteps move across the room, praying to god that it was zayn or niall. but he had a really bad feeling about it and he stayed put. it goes quiet for a moment and harry thinks whoever it was has left, but he stays completely still.

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