twenty six

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it was currently friday, which meant harry is with zayn for the day. normally, they would spend their day together inside of harry's house after they first met, but since they were seeing each other quite a lot for the past couple weeks at a time, zayn had taken actually taken harry to their first date a few weeks ago. that was their first time out in public with one another and harry enjoyed it a lot.

now, every time they're together he tries to get zayn to go out with him as much as possible. he loved being out with zayn, as well as niall. niall had taken him out a few weeks ago as well. zayn took him to a movie and dinner, because he knew harry liked watching movies. while niall settled on taking him for a spin on his motorcycle- only after harry begged him a couple hundred times and until niall shut him up with a few hard smacks to his ass-, and then they went to eat afterwards.

harry couldn't believe how well this was working out, spending time with both of the men and never having their paths cross. harry knew what he was doing was not the best thing, but he couldn't help it. during these past two months, he'd grown a bit attached to them both. he wasn't so sure what his status was with both of them, but they've been going out a lot, talking, texting, and fucking of course.

he was told by both men that they didn't want him seeing other people, visa versa, so that meant something to harry. if they weren't together exclusively, that definitely meant they were headed in that direction quickly. after all, it's been two going on now three months since he's been talking to them. and harry considered them both his boyfriends, even though neither of them asked him that question specifically.

harry's sure that them calling him "mine" was a clear indication of what their relationship was and harry didn't mind that at all. and although harry knew he shouldn't be dating them both, he really couldn't choose, he liked them so much. he didn't know how to get around it, nor did he want this to end at anytime soon. he was living to attention from both males. they both gave him what he wanted and needed.

"where are we going, daddy zaynie?" harry asked, humming absent-mindedly to the song on the radio of zayn's sports car. zayn rolls his eyes and gives harry a side eye at the nickname that he's told harry for the  umpth time not to call him, but doesn't harry listen? no. they had just come from the mall, where zayn may or may not have spoiled him a bit- just like daddy should- as harry would say. now they were headed to grab something to eat for the go and head back to harry's place. first, zayn needed to make a stop to get gas.

"if you knew how ridiculous that name sounded, you wouldn't be saying it." zayn states as he pulls into the gas station and finds an empty spot at one of the pumps. harry giggles.

"i think you secretly love when i call you that, but you let your masculinity get in the way." harry replies with a snicker. zayn puts the car in park and faces harry, giving him a look.

"like i said, i don't do this cute shit." zayn says, and when he sees harry's smile widen, he rolls his eyes and shushes harry. "don't even say it." he says before harry gets a chance to say anything. harry giggles, mumbling that he wasn't going to say anything. zayn chuckles softly, leaning over the middle to kiss harry, making his cheeks tint pink. "ight, i'll be back. stay here." zayn tells him, before kissing harry again and exiting the car.

harry hums and watched as zayn walks into the gas station, literally radiating rich daddy energy with every step he took. harry loved it. zayn had such a different vibe from what niall had. zayn has this very soft side to him, he's super sweet but is still highly capable of fucking anyone up if they overstep their boundaries. while niall has this rough side to him that screams danger, nice doesn't exist in his dictionary. harry craved both sides from the two men so badly. he doesn't exactly know how he got so lucky, but he thanks all the gods that exist in this world for it everyday.

it was heavenly.

a few minutes later, zayn comes back and unscrews the cap from the gas tank and sticks the gas pump inside of it. harry doesn't know how zayn manages to look so hot, doing literally anything. the way he held the gas pump in his hand tightly, and the veins in his arms showing, got harry's heart pumping a little faster. harry can't help, but to step out of the car and go over to him to wrap his arms around zayn's shoulders and bury his face in zayn's neck. even though he was slightly taller than the older man, he always found a way to feel smaller. zayn chuckles, snaking his arm around harry's waist and resting his free hand on the small of his back.

"couldn't wait five minutes, hm baby boy?" zayn murmurs. harry shakes his head and pulls away from his neck, puckering his lips for a kiss. zayn leans in to kiss him, harry placing his hands on the back of zayn's head to keep him there longer than what was intended.

"you're so hot, i can't help it." harry whispers, reattaching their lips. zayn smirks against his lips, sliding his hand down to grab harry's ass. he backs harry into the car, making harry squeak when he squeezes his ass, and rubs against him.

"i could take you right up against this car, baby." zayn mumbles once he pulls away from harry's mouth. harry bites his lip.

"do it daddy." harry says. zayn pushes harry harder against the car, making harry through his head back in laughter when his lips latch onto his neck. harry giggles as zayn playfully nips at his skin. harry tightens his arms around zayn's neck, smiling as he looked over his shoulder, enjoying the feeling of his rough lips against his skin. they received a couple of glances their way, but harry didn't mind.

suddenly, a car pulls up that looks awfully familiar to harry, which he furrows his eyebrows to. harry. watches as the car stops in front of the gas station in front of the store, and the car door opens as the person gets out. harry's eyes widen and he freezes. it's niall, holy fucking fuck it was niall.  he was facing away from harry, but harry could tell it was him. before he could even process it, his head started to turn in harry's direction but harry squeaks and quickly drops down, now being hidden behind zayn and the the gas tank. zayn frowns and looks down at harry weirdly.

"what are you doing?" zayn asked. harry's eyes are still wide, but he quickly changes his expression and grabs onto his ankle.

"cramp. hurts." harry lies. zayn releases the gas pump and puts it back, before he is about to bend down to help harry up, but harry shakes his head. "no no, can't get up." harry says, slapping zayn's hands away and scoots backwards and slowly lifts himself back into the car and closing the door. and thank god zayn's windows were tinted or who knows what could've happened. he hopes niall didn't see him, but he's pretty sure he didn't otherwise he definitely would've come over to investigate. harry's heart is pounding, and he pants slightly. holy fuck. that was a close call.

zayn gets into the driver seat moments later, looking at harry. "are you okay?"

"i'm okay. now, zaynie." harry replies, smiling. zayn narrows his eyes slightly, but nods.

"will that leg cramp be a problem when i'm blowing your back out tonight?" zayn asks. harry shakes his head quickly.

"fuck no." he breaths. zayn smirks and pats harry's thigh.

"good." he replies and turns the car on, leaving the gas station, and harry can finally breathe normally again.

that was way too close.


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