Finding Bigface...Bigfoot part 1

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*Me and Hardcase playing finding bigfoot*
Me: Oooo I found littleface
Hardcase: Yeah! Yeah, yeah---oh yeah well you know...not much of a face left anymore
Me: little skull
Me: yeah that's my rap name
Hardcase: little skull?
Me: little skull
Hardcase: yeah well you wanna sling me a rap "little skull" ?
Me: my name is little skull and I'm really sad, maybe because I don't have a dad, he went out to get a pack of cigarettes so it left me really depressed UH!
Hardcase: *Chuckles* Jesus Christ little skull man
Me: *laughing* he's just bars upons bars okay?
Hardcase: yeah bars, bars, emotional bars trapping him inside you gotta let go little skull man
Me: I'm harboring a lot of guilt
Hardcase: why? Did you do something to your dad?!?
Me: I'm gonna get sent to prison and then I'm gonna snitch on everybody

Me: *in uwu voice* oh Hardcase I'm so scared
Hardcase: God, get that uwu shit out of here, I swear to God
Me: *laughing* dude, I've changed over the years
Hardcase: I can tell..for the worse!
Me: yeah
Hardcase: *imitating me* Ooo (y/n)
Me: ohhh, oh that I hear it back, I can see that I am the asshole
Hardcase: *still imitating* I'm scared of bigface in this wuods

Hardcase: What? Wha--alright okay, alright signal flare
*bigfoot comes after me*
Hardcase: I MISSED!! I MISSED!! I'M SORRY!! *reloads*
Hardcase: I apologized! I missed! I'm a really terrible--- *bigfoot picks me up and throws me*
Me: AAAAHHHH!!!! *Hardcase shoots bigfoot and he runs away* HE PICKED ME UP!! WITH HIS BIG HANDS!!
Hardcase: heeee isss..gone..okay
Me: I'm okay, I--uhh oh he grabbed me with the big hands, you see that tint tick of health that's gone?
Hardcase: yeah
Me: that's me shooting him in his bigface

Me: I wanna like cripple him, I want to like blow his kneescaps out
Hardcase: *concerned* Jesus Christ man, what?
Me: I want to send a message
Hardcase: wha...what message?
Me: that we don't fuck around, I'm the real mean
Hardcase: I can see that man...but you don't need to be
Me: yeah that's true
Hardcase: you can be real nice
Me: I could be... I'm nice to people, but not to bigfaces
Hardcase: alright fair, but this isn't bigface, it's bigfoot, bighand, bigdick but not bigface
Me: big whatever, you're going down...well apparently not, cause we're terrible at killing him

Hardcase: I have to go to the bathroom, I'll  be back *leaves*
Me: okay, I'll watch everything *hears Wolves in the background* he better not show up right this second when we're doing this...Biiigface come on out~ I don't know where you are Ooohhh no *hears wolves again* there's wolfies here....ohhhh why did I ever agree to this? Biiigface, Bigface it's a big map out there and a big world out there, it's hard to find a soulmate but I can be that for you...I can be
Hardcase: *come back* what the hell?
Me: Oh!! Well I was just telling Bigface that it's a big bad world out there
Hardcase: *laughs* Ooohh, umm okay

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