Chapter Three - Over & Under

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The journey to Mordor began.

Adriel inhaled the fresh mountain air as she walked in between Merry and Pippin. She grinned down at the two hobbits as they continued to bicker about something that she had long forgotten about.

"My lady," a gruff voice rumbled from behind her. Adriel turned to see Gimli half jogging to keep up with her, Adriel slowed her pace and fell into step with the dwarf, the hobbits not noticing that she had fallen back as they continued to argue.

"No need to be formal Gimli," Adriel chuckled as she looked down at him. The dwarf stammered, uttering a short apology.

"Are the stories my father told me true? You defended our late king and his nephews until their dying breaths?" he questioned as he looked up at her. Adriel's Heart dropped at the mention of Thorin, Fili, and Kili but she quickly regained her composure.

"Gloin must have warmed up to me then," she chuckled, "he was not a fan of Elves, especially not me." she tried to dance around the question to avoid answering.

"He said you were no mere Elf my lady," Gimli continued. Adriel fought off a frown as she looked back up to the trail ahead of them only to see Merry and Pippin staring at her.

"Tell us the story!" Pippin cheered. Adriel swallowed thickly and looked at her three companions who looked up to her with excitement glittering in their eyes, a small sigh escaped her lips.

"Yes, I fought alongside Thorin until his last breath," Adriel inhaled deeply before continuing, "as for myself that's a story for another day," she spoke, sending Pippin a wink. Adriel started to walk faster, slowly parting from the trio and catching up with Legolas who had been obviously listening. He looked over to her and a soft smile graced his face.

"You forgot to mention getting pummelled by an Orc in Lake Town and then bringing down half of Ravenhill," he chimed as he looked ahead of them, smirking. Adriel rolled her eyes and elbowed him in the ribs.

"Only because I was making sure you didn't get yourself killed," she fired back lightheartedly. A small laugh escaped from his lips and he looked back over her.

"Im gar- missed cin Adriel, I have missed you Adriel," he said softly.

"Im gar- missed cin sui eithel Legolas, I have missed you as well Legolas," Adriel murmured as she looked into his eyes.

The midday sun was warm on the open plateau the Fellowship had decided to rest on. Adriel stood between Boromir and Aragorn, Merry and Pippin standing in front of the trio, their short swords clutched tightly to their chests.

"You both will learn how to use your swords today," Adriel said cheerfully, lifting her own sword to show the hobbits. Their eyes widened at the sight of the Angmarian blade, the mountain emblem that adorned the weapons hilt shone brightly in the daylight.

"The first rule of battle," Aragorn breathed, "don't get hit." A small smile tWitched onto Adriel's face. The Witch stepped forward, motioning for the hobbits to copy her. She raised her blade in front of her, jabbing it forward before making a blocking motion on both her left and right sides; repeating the motion as the hobbits copied her. She grinned as the halfling's clumsy movements started to become more fluid. The Witch looked back to Aragorn who stepped forward with his own blade. "You will find no better teacher," Aragorn piped up as he stood in front of the two hobbits, a small smirk on his face, "she was the one to teach me." Merry and Pippin's eyes lit up as they looked at Adriel. She shrugged, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

Adriel watched contently as Boromir and Aragorn continued to teach Merry and Pippin from the spot she had taken up on top of a large boulder, occasionally cheering the hobbits on with a grin.

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