chapter two.

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My grandparents demanded I at least stayed for breakfast which I had no problem with. I was going to miss this, so much, but I needed to leave. As we all washed and dried the dishes there was silence, and a tension in the air. I didn’t know what to say without crying, and I don’t think they did either.

I carried out my bags to the back of my truck that I absolutely adored. I’ve had a job ever since I was 14 going on 15, to get a car and save up for a New York apartment. Due to doing good in school as well, I have a scholarship for the first two years at my dream college, NYU. This move was going to be good for me, I just know it.

After my truck was loaded I walked back in the house to say my final goodbyes to my family.  I gave them each the longest hug ever and a kiss on the cheek. “You make sure you’re careful out there okay? I want a call as soon as you get there.” My grandfather told me, with a serious look on his face. He said the same thing to me every time I went out anywhere.“How could I ever forget?” I replied with a small laugh and he just playfully rolled his eyes back at me. God, I was going to miss him.

They walked me to the door trying to keep on their strongest faces and so was I. I know they were just worried about me, but overall happy for me, I was trying to have a better life for myself. “I want you to know that I really appreciate everything you both have done for me, helping me through everything, giving me a place to stay and just for loving me. I love you both so much.” I told them, letting a few tears slip out of my eyes.

“You’re our girl Soph, we want you to be happy, and if moving will make you happy then were happy.” They both told me with big smiles on their faces and approval in their eyes.

I gave them both one last hug, and made my way out the door. They stood there hugging each other, watching as I opened my truck door. “SEE YOU ON THANKSGIVING!!!” I yelled out and they then yelled back “WE BETTER!” causing me to laugh to myself as I closed my door and pulled out of the driveway.

I made my way to my best friend’s house to say my goodbye to her. Now this was going to be painful. I pulled up and she was already standing outside with tears going down her face. I immediately jumped out of my car leaving the keys in the ignition, and ran over to hug her, now crying as well. We always wanted to move to New York together, but her boyfriend Luke didn’t want to leave Maryland until he finished college, and she didn’t want to leave him.

He was older than us; we were going to be freshman in college while he was going to be a senior. So she was going to move to New York after the first school year was over and bring him along with her, which I thought was fair enough. We’d still get to live out our dream together; just the together part was going to have a little pause.

After a hug that seemed like forever, she pulled away. “I should punch you for making me cry.” She said jokingly with a laugh. I laughed with her and pulled her into another hug.

“I’m going to miss you so much Rae. You have no idea.” I said. It was true; my best friend was like my twin, my other half. I don’t know how I was going get through the first year without her, but I’d have to figure it out.

“I’ll be there in no time, we’re going to skype every night, and plus we’ll see each other on school breaks. Time will fly, I promise. Just be careful out there, yeah?”

“Yeah, you’re right. It’ll all be okay.” I replied, not knowing if I was trying to reassure her or myself.

“I love you boo” she said, starting to cry again into my shoulder. “I love you too, now stop crying, you’re going to make me cry again.” I said and I just knew she was rolling her eyes at me.

After about a half hour more of hugging and crying, I figured it was time for me to head off. I promised to call her as soon as I got there, and she promised to kill me if I didn’t.

I got back in my car, and I was finally off. I put on the radio and started jamming out when I realized they were playing one on my favorite songs, Nicotine by Panic! At The Disco. An overwhelming feeling of excitement came over me, and I couldn’t help screaming the lyrics along with the radio, and I didn’t even try to take the big smile off my face.

 New York, here I come.

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