chapter twelve.

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I began to open up to Ashton, telling him all about how I met a boy with green eyes that made my life, but ruined my life all at the same time three years ago. I told him we dated for quite a while, and it became really toxic quickly, and that I hadn’t seen him in a year until I moved here. I told him how he showed up at my apartment the night before, “things” happened and the next morning I was too upset to really go out. I didn’t really go into detail with Ashton, because I wanted to leave it all in the past. I didn’t want to have anyone I met here know all the details and feel pity for me. I wanted a fresh start, which I’m not exactly getting but it’s better than him knowing completely everything.

“So you see, that’s why I canceled. If I had gone out with you, I wouldn’t have really enjoyed myself with a mindset like that and I probably would have ruined your night as well. I’m honestly so sorry Ashton, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” I told him.

Ashton sat there for a few minutes, probably processing all the information I just gave him. But after a few minutes of the silence, Ashton finally spoke up.

“So why did it end then?” he asked me.

Why he wanted to know, I didn’t know. I guess he was just trying to understand everything, even though I really didn't want him to. 


“I SAW YOU MICHAEL! I SAW IT WITH MY OWN EYES. I SAW YOU KISS HER.” I screamed through the tears at Michael, who was standing in front of my bed running his hands through his hair anxiously. Thankfully no one was home; they didn’t need to hear this.

“Sophia it was a mistake. She came onto me! Didn’t you see that part?!”

“Yes I did, but I didn’t see you stop her either.” I snapped back.

Michael has hurt me emotionally so many times, but now he’s really done it. I never expected this from him, never. I never thought he would stoop this low, or hurt me this bad. It felt like bricks were falling on my chest, knocking the wind out of me with every breath I took.

“You need to get out. Now, Michael.” I told him lightly, I didn’t have the energy to yell anymore. I was completely drained.

Michael just stared at me in shock, not understanding why I wasn’t just sucking up to him like usual. This was too far. Way too far.

“You know Sophia; you can’t just shut everyone out.”

“Well your case is a little different Michael. You, I let in. But then you made me regret it.” I told him and I heard Michael punch his fist into the wall. I jumped in fear, not that he’d hit me, but that he’d hurt himself.

“Fuck Sophia! Fine! I’ll just leave, like your parents left you. I bet you pushed them away too.” He screamed at me, but as soon as the words left his lips I could see his eyes cloud up with regret.

“Sophia I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean tha-“he started but I cut him off.

“Get out. Now” I told him. I was seething, he knew how my parents were, he knew why they left my life, and now he was using it against me. Michael just stood there before finally making his way to the door, tears slipping down his pale face.

“Forever and always, yeah?” he said just above a whisper before he made his way out the door and shut it behind him.

 “Until hell starts to freeze” I whispered back, even though I knew he was gone and couldn’t hear me. I screamed into my pillow and threw it at the door, crying into my sheets for the longest time before I finally drifted into sleep.

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