2) The Day Of All Days

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The day had arrived. The 15th of June, a saturday. Today Flo's cousin and friends will be arriving! Flo's dad is picking them all up at the airport early this morning and bringing them down here, I'm pretty excited now!

8:15 am

I fix my hair, I fix my hair again, apply a little more makeup to my innocent looking face and sort through my clothes.

8:35 am

I still haven't found an outfit. Panic.PANIC.PANIC.

8:45 am

I've just recieved a very excited text from Flo saying they're on their way back. MORE PANIC.

8:59 am


I've settled for black tights, my distressed looking levi shorts, my favourite white blouse with adorable lace panels on the front and my gorgeous leather jacket. I feel ready to meet the super cool canadians. I'm not too sure why I put in so much effort to my outfit, I just feel like I want to look presentable and be someone they want to hang out with I guess? 

I quickly grab a lift off my dad to Flo's. My sister is in the back of the car asking my why I'm dressed nicely for once, how embarrassing! She's only 6 though, I guess she can't help it. I quickly wave them both goodbye and head off for Flo's front door.

Flo's parents are big time business men and women, so they're hardly ever home. It's up to Flo to host this little gathering! The door is opened by a very tall, slim, brown haired boy who introduces himself as Atticus, I immediately fall in love with his wonderful accent, I hate being british!!! I wonder if this is Flo's cousin, as she never actually showed me a picture? Flo joins us at the crowded front door and introduces Atticus again. 

'Hey Cassie!!!! This is Atticus, It's Camerons friend who's come over here too! You guys go through there and make yourself comfortable' Flo says as she points us through her kitchen door. 

I walk into the room expecting it to be crowded, to only find 2 other boys sat on the kitchen sofas chatting away to eachother. Atticus pushed past me and joined them on the sofa which was about 3 or 4 metres away from where I was standing. I was soon joined by Flo next to me. She whispered in my ear;

'Atticus is so hot, and mine, so back off' she whispered jokingly! 

I did love her for her jokes, but deep down I knew she was serious. I was starting to wonder who Florence Kennedy's cousin was, surrounded by three different boys! But then I could totally tell. The boy sat on the right side of the sofa had light blonde hair and hazel eyes, just like Florence. He looked like a male version of her, only taller and a little spottier. He must of noticed me eyeing him up and down as he turned to look at me and stood up to introduce himself. 

'Hey, you must be Cassie, Florence's friend right? I've heard so much about you!' He said with a great smile on his face.

'Yeah, I've heard a lot about you too! Whats your name? Flo never actually mentioned it, she just couldn't stop squealing over how excited she was to see you again!' I replied, Flo shot me a slightly embarrassed glare.

'I'm Cameron! Cameron Kennedy, cousin of the beautiful Florence Kennedy' He said with another smile on his face.

Cameron insisted we call him Cam, and Atticus laughed mentioning that we had only known eachother for five minutes! I was laughing away when I noticed I still hadn't even looked at the other friend of Camerons. He was bent over a chair playing with Flo's tiny little dog when I decided to take a look at him too. He was wearing sandy coloured chino's, black vans and an abstract kind of t-shirt. He had this geeky look about him and that was definitely my type. He turned around and his dark brown hair flopped over his gorgeous brown eyes. He was definitely the most attractive boy I had ever seen.

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