25) Celebrations

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This is going to be a fast moving and long chapter, I'm just warning you all!

I sat on my bed, it was 10pm and I knew I had to go to sleep, I had a long day of pampering myself tomorrow morning, and then a wonderful party. But I couldn't stop staring at the magnificent gown, hung proudly on my fashion mannequin in the corner. I adored it, I tried it on earlier, Matthew kindly helped me put it on, he didn't mind seeing me in my underwear once again... I giggled to myself, I really did feel radiant in the dress. It suited me perfectly, and even accenuated some curves in my body, although I hardly had them. I sighed, wanting to wear it all the time, slithered down under the covers and turned out my bed side lamp.


I woke up bright eyed and excited to face the day, I pushed back my new sheets, they were bright pink with gold detailing (I bought them yesterday). I then jumped out of bed and took a look in the mirror, to my surprise I had a humongous red mountain placed on my forehead, brilliant I thought to myself. I rummaged through my drawers and found my favourite spot cream from elf. I emptied half the contents onto my red raw face and sighed. I removed the remaining mascara that had made its way around my eyes over night and undressed myself, stepping into my favourite robe. I quietly skipped to the bathroom and turned on the taps. I sat on the side of the lustrous bath and watched the bath slowly fill up. I hated baths, I always showered, but today I wanted time to go quickly, so I decided to bathe. Hopefully, time would go quicker. I poured my favourite bath creams all over me, wanting to smell divine all day and night. I took a quick stare into the silver taps that overhung the end of the bright white bath, my spot seemed to be disappearing, maybe it was going to be a good day after all. I stayed in the bath for what seemed like, lightyears. The boiling hot water became cold, and as the liquid washed over my pale skin it no longer left the red marks of heat. My toes and hands were wrinkled, so I decided to drain the water away. 

I placed my wrinkled toes on the hard floorboards and made my way to my room, I threw on an old pair of leggings and an oversized jumper, also sticking my hair up in a towel. I smiled at my reflection in the mirror, the spot was almost gone. I grabbed my spot cream again and applied some more, this time with feeling! I knew it would be gone by tonight, perfect. I put on some socks, wary of the cold floor in these winter months and skipped down the stairs. My mum greeted me in the front room, asking me why I was so happy. I explained to her that tonight was going to be awesome, incredible and the best night of my life. She smiled, got up and went to grab me some breakfast. I joined her in the kitchen and decided to wash up for her.

'What on earth has gotten into you Cassandra! You're like a different person!" She exclaimed.

'You only ever call me Cassandra when I'm in trouble! Don't scare me like that!! I'm just happy!' I gushed, my cheeks glowing.

I finished up the washing, and scoffed my breakfast. My phone started ringing and I hastily answered, it was the soothing voice of Matthew.

'Hey, I'm coming round in a second! I've already asked your parents, we're going to get ready at yours, the hair and makeup lady will be coming around at about 4:30, so we have plenty of time, I'm just gonna keep speaking on the phone as I leave because I will literally be at your door in a matter of seconds, I'm still rambling on yes oka-' He rambled on and on, he then interrupted himself by hanging up and knocking on the door. He ran up to me and hugged me, kissing my cheek too. He smiled at my mum and shook her hand awkwardly. 

'Nice to see you again Matthew' Said my mum, smiling at him.

'It's nice to see you too!' He said to her, sweetly.

We spoke to my mum for another ten to fifteen minutes before backing away slowly and disappearing up the stairs, my dad was at work, thank goodness. He wouldn't ever let me have a boy in my room!! We walked upstairs, hand in hand. The house was deserted, my mum was downstairs and from the smell that was festering around the house, she was cooking. My dad was at work, and my sister at a new friends house. Perfect, time alone, kinda. Matthew pushed my door open, revealing my all but tidy room. He walked in, and took a few minutes to take in his surroundings. I always went to Matthews house at the moment, he rarely came to mine, especially my bedroom. It had changed a lot since he was last here, he admired the jewellery box he got for me standing proudly on my shelf. He walked over to my bed and sat down, tapping his hand beside him, showing me to sit next to him. I sat down and placed my hands on his thigh, rubbing it slightly. He looked at me and smiled, leaning in to kiss me. I continued rubbing my hands on his thigh, leading up towards his chest. We kissed and fell onto my bed, my body on top of his. We continued kissing, trying to be as quiet as possible. We heard my mothers footsteps move, afraid that she would come upstairs we broke apart, Matthew quickly grabbed a pillow and placed it on his err, area. I knew exactly what had happened and I laughed far too much, he elbowed me in the ribs.

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