27) Attempted Normality

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I jolted awake as I felt somebody's soft skin tapping my shoulder. My eyes sparked as I pictured Matthew standing in front of me, waking me up. My heart sunk when I realised it was only my mum. "Cassie, I've placed your breakfast over there" She said, pointing to my drawers in my bedroom. I smiled at the tray holding two slices of toast and some tea. My eyes wandered to the jewellery box next to it, and all at once everything came back. I needed Matthew. Why did this have to happen to him. It wasn't fair, why couldn't it have happened to me, I screamed inside. I thanked my mum and she told me to get ready for school and she would drop me there soon. I sighed once more, I would have to face a brand new school, brand new people, brand new classes, brand new teachers, all without Matthew. I tossed my sheets back and literally fell out of my bed. I had no energy, not with what's going on right now.


My eyes fixated on the posters around the cafeteria. Some mentioned bike safety, others mentioning healthy eating, but the one poster that tore me apart was a small 'My Babysitters a Vampire' poster. Everyone knew the cast went to this school, they had a pretty big fan base here. I sat there, my head resting on Atticus' shoulder and my hand clasped tightly around Cameron's hand. They were all I had. I noticed the stares, I had already gotten a reputation as the weird, british, new girl.

That morning had been tough. Once I crawled out of my bedroom I managed to have a shower and shed a few tears. I had pulled on a plain grey t-shirt, dark blue jeans and some black ankle boots. I added minimal makeup, not wanting to be bullied for my looks on the first day of school. I finally added my favourite part of the outfit, one of Matthew's jackets. It was warm and lined with fur, not mentioning that it also smelt so great, as if he was here with me right now. 

On my way to school I was sick with nerves. My mother constantly moaned at me for refusing to eat... I sipped her tea and left everything else... She told me to have a good day, and try to put Matthew to the back of my mind but I couldn't. It was impossible. I made my way to the head teacher's office, I mean, Principals office. He knew what was going on with Matthew, everyone did. So he let Atticus and Cameron stay with me all day, to show me around. But I think he knew I wanted company... or something. My first class was math. I have always been so ridiculously awful at it that I couldn't bear to try. I sat at the back after being introduced and muffled my tears. 

Lunch came around quickly after a few more lessons. Atticus led me to their table that they usually all sit at. Occasionally joined by Atticus' new girlfriend, or Camerons. But right now it was just the three of us, no one saying anything to each other, we knew we were all thinking the same thing.


I stared at my mums face, studied her few wrinkles and her delicately dyed hair. "Cassie? Are you even listening?!!!" She said, straining each word. I nodded. 

"You need to eat!" She said, pushing my plate towards me.

"I can't, I just can't" I said quietly.

"I know it's tough honey, but you've got to! Its your favourite!" She said, edging the plate closer. I picked up my fork and took a mouthful of mash potato into my mouth. I couldn't taste anything, everything was bland, I had nothing on my mind except Matthew. 

I continued to eat the small meal, mouthful by mouthful until there wasn't much left and my mum had disappeared. I crawled up to my room, pulled the cover over my face and played some music on my phone. Before I knew it I had tears streaming down my face. Why did I have all these sad songs on my phone? Each one had some sort of link to Matthew... I couldn't.-I just- Maybe I should sleep.. Or should I... My thoughts were jagged, I needed Matthew so badly.


 The next day I stared at the clock during each lesson, until that wonderful time of lunch came around. 

I walked back with Cameron and Atticus, who had promised to come over tonight to cheer me up a little. We walked quietly, each thinking of Matthew. As we approached the house I noticed 2 new cars on the drive. Immediately wondering who it was I sped up until I was practically running to my house. Cameron and Atticus quickly caught up and gave me a few bizarre looks. I fumbled in my bag, pulled out my key and opened the door. I looked up to be greeted by Matthews mum and dad. They had obviously been crying. I automatically expected the worst.

Oh no. Oh God No. This isn't it. No. I haven't even had time to say goodbye. Oh my god. No. This cannot be happening. He's my life. The thoughts ran through my head at record speed, I didn't move, or flinch at all. I stood there staring into his mothers bloodshot eyes. 

She embraced me with a beautiful hug, looked me in the eyes and whispered "he's going to be just fine".

Sorry I've taken so long to update (like a whole year). But I don't use Wattpad anymore. I came across it today and found this unpublished chapter, so I thought I would share it with whoever reads this anymore (probably not many people!)

But don't really expect many more chapters, but possibly if I'm ever bored I'll write one.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2014 ⏰

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