Chapter 1

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"Fuck you Portgas!"

"I didn't do anything you bitch!"

"*Mimics* I didn't do anything you bitch. Yeah of course not!"

Vivi, Robin, Nami, Luffy, Sabo, Marco, ussop, Zoro, Sanji, chopper, Law and Franky was all looking you and Ace fight again.

You and Ace fight a lot and no one knows why. Well it's because Ace makes fun of you and you fight back. Who could blame you? Pretty sure they all knew you two dislike eachother.

Your teachers noticed as well. Even in class your arguing. "Alright Y/N I think we should go back to our dorms now." Nami said to you.

You glared at Ace and he glared back at you. You walked off the girls and got back. You sat down on the sofa that was there. All of them looked at you with worry. "What?" You asked them.

".... Why do you and Ace not get along?" They all asked you.

"Because he's a prick and thinks he can say what he likes to me! Well he can't!!" You said to them all. You got up and went to your room. Closed the door behind you and sighed as you got to your bed.

~Meanwhile with the boys~

"Ace! Why are you always picking on Y/N?" Luffy asked him.

"Shut up Luffy!" Ace shouted and stormed off.

All of them sighed and looked in the direction you went. "Well...I don't think they will ever get along." Law said with a calm voice.

"Doesn't seem like it does it." Zoro said.

All of the boys agreed with what Law said and went after Ace. As they cought up to him he was sat in the dorm looking at each and everyone of them. "What?" He snapped.

"Father won't be very happy. You know he wants you to get along with her." Sabo said. Luffy nodded his head in agreement.

"Tch, we will never get along. She's such a bitch!" Ace said.

All of the boys sighed and some went to there own dorm, while others went to there room.

~Time skip next day~

As you got into class you sat at by the window. However you didn't notice Ace behind you. When the class started he started to ki k your chair that's when you noticed him behind you. You sighed to your self and took no notice of him there.

You was sat next to Robin as this is English class. Half way through the lesson Ace accidentally kicked your chair a bit to hard which made you go into the table you got up and turned to him. "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" You shouted at him.

"My problem? What's your problem?! I didn't do anything to you!"

"You kicked my chair you prick!"

"Prove it was me you bitch!"

All the class sighed as you two was arguing again. The teacher just let you two carry on. It was pointless for them to stop you from arguing. And they know that. They know ever if your separated you'll still argue.

"You there is cameras around the class you stupid aggravating asshole!" You spat.

"Yeah and they will prove that I didn't do anything you annoying little bitch!" He shot back.

"If you didn't who did? Hm?"

"No one you was probably swinging on your chair slipped and blamed me!" He shouted.

"Oh wow! You really are stupid huh!" You shouted.

You both heard the bell go. You grabbed your things and left for your next class. However you and Ace was still arguing while walking to the class. As you entered the new teacher that was there looked at the both of you with shock. You sat down and saw the only seat that was left was next to you.

Ace sat down and the both of you still continued to argue. The teacher looked at the both of you and started to speak. "Um excuse me..."

"Your such a bitch!"


"Your an asshole!"


"Why do you always shout at me?!"


"Why can't you leave me alone?!"

"YOU TWO STOP ARGUING!" The teacher shouted.

The both of you stopped and looked at the teacher. She was about to explain the lesson when ace kicked your leg and you started to shout again which made him shout back at you.

The both of you didn't realize the teacher left. You two was still arguing when both Mr Roger and principal Shanks walked threw the door. "ENOUGH!" You both stopped and looked the two.

Both of your eyes widened. "You two. Stop fighting! And listen." Mr Roger said.

"As of tomorrow there will be no class. Your summer break will begin and you will all be going to calmbelt lake." Shanks explained. All of you was confused by this. "You will be going camping. There will be cabins there one for the boys, one for the girls. Of course there is more boys than girls. Either way I want you all to have a good time there. And NO FIGHTING! ACE! Y/N! GOT IT!" Shanks said.

You nodded your head at him and so did Ace. Everyone was so excited. Except from you. "Great." You muttered.

The class continued with you and Ace arguing every now and then.

Once class was over all of you decided to go to your dorms and pack your things. You packed your phone and some speakers. You could all listen to music on the way there and you had really good songs too.

Once you all packed your things you went to sleep to be ready for tomorrow.

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