Chapter 8

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"what?" You asked Ace.

"Nothing... Just to never said thanks to me before. I'm shocked." Ace said back to you.

You rolled your eyes at him and continued to eat. Once you was finished you got up and took a walk around the lakes until you reached a big tree. The sun was shining and it felt really hot so you decided to sit under the tree.

You looked out and saw the water sparkling just like a diamond the green of the trees and some pink from the cherry blossoms made the view more beautiful. The sky a bright blue as no clouds was in sight. You smiled at the sight as you leaned back on the tree and closed your eyes a bit.

"This was awesome guys." Robin said.

Boa of course was watching Luffy eat his food. Nami got up and tried looking for you she went everywhere. But no luck. How could she miss you? Well you was quite. Nami ran back and looked at everyone in a panic.

"Y/N, I can't find her!" Nami exclaimed.

Everyone stood up including Ace. "what do you mean you can't find her?" He asked.

Everyone was shocked with what he just said. And looked at him because of what he said. "What?" Ace asked everyone.

"Your worried?" Sabi asked with a smirk.

"No I'm not worried. Dumb idiot probably got lost somewhere. But if she's not back then I have no one to annoy." Ace said to everyone.

They all rolled there eyes at him. "Ace, Y/N isn't Zoro. She's probably not lost." Nami said. Everyone laughed at she said while glared at her. Then Robin had an idea. And she started to count who was there.

1. Ace
2. Zoro
3. Luffy
4. Her (Robin)
5. Nami
6. Chopper
7. Sabo
8. Usopp
9. Franky
10. Boa
11. Sanji
12. Charlotte
13. Perona
14: Vivi
15. Law
16. Marco
17. Mr Rogers

There was thirteen of them all together. "All of us should get into groups and look for her. However someone will have to go on there own since there is an odd number of us. Unless they go in a three." Robin said to them all.

"I'll go on my own." Ace spoke.

All of them looked at him and then sighed. Some where against the idea since Ace was strong and could protect them if they needed it but Ace ignored them and started to walk off. All the teams went in different directions.

Ace went around the lake. "Y/N! Where are you? Hey!! You over here? This is getting old real quick." Ace shouted. He didn't get an answer and walked around some more. He stopped at a tree and looked around. Once he did he stopped and looked at a body the was the tree next to him. He sighed and walked over.

Ace looked at you sleep and he couldn't help but smile at you. He picked you up and brought you back everyone was relieved to see you was alright. "Where was she?" Nami asked him.

"Leaning on a tree by the lake. She was sleeping. If I didn't look around I would have walked right passed her." Ace said to them all. He walked over to the cabin and put you on your bed. Ace was about to walk out when he looked back at you. He didn't realize he had a smile on his face then he walked out and it disappeared. 

Everyone was looking at him and waiting for him to say something to them. "She's fine she is just sleeping. She'll probably wake up soon." Ace said to them.

All of them looked at eachother and then back at Ace. He rolled his eyes and walked off somewhere. Luffy and Sabo watched as there brother walked away. "Sabo, what's wrong with Ace?" Luffy asked.

"I don't know Luffy... Maybe Ace found out something that was always there but he never wanted to accept it. Maybe he finally accepted it." Sabo said.

"What's that?" Luffy asked.

Sabo didn't answer his younger brother he just smiled at Luffy. Luffy of course was stood there with a confused look on his face trying to figure out what his brother ment. Luffy stood there for ages and yet he never got it.

"Luffy just give up! You won't get it!" Nami shouted.

Boa was just staring at Luffy thinking how cute he looked thinking. It was getting dark now and everyone went inside except from Sabo and Luffy. They wanted to wait for Ace to come back.

However, before they could they fell asleep on the ground. Ace came back and looked at his brothers who was sat on the floor sleeping, back-to-back. He picked Luffy up and put him over his shoulder and took him back in the cabin. Then went back for Sabo and done the same for him.

Ace walked towards the door to close it when he looked at yours and the girls cabin. He sighed and walked in and went to sleep.

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