Chapter 2

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You all boarded the bus after you put your things away. You sat down near the back and by the window. You was sat next to Robin while Vivi and Nami was sat behind you.

"Ace! Ace wake up!" You heard Marco say in front of you.

You stood up and sat the seat in front of yours that's where Ace is sleeping. You couldn't help but giggle at him. You held your phone by his ear. Turned it up full volume and played a song.

It made him jump and looked around you started to laugh while Ace was trying not to turn around and shout at you. "Damn Ace I never seen someone jump as far as you." You laughed.

"Damnit Y/N!" Ace got up and looked at you.

"What? Marco was trying to wake you up and you wouldn't I only helped him." You stated.

"Tch..." Ace sat down.

You saw Mr Rogers look at the both of you and you sat down too. He sighed and then thought of a way you two can get along.

Not too long later you arrived at the area and took your things. You went to cabin and saw three other girls. "Boa!" You shouted with a smile. You dropped your bag and ran to her giving her a hug.

"Y/N!" She exclaimed

You put everything away and sat down on the bed. There was Boa, Perona and Charlotte. All three of them are friends of yours. All the girls stayed in their cabin and the boys was outside.

"Let's play a game!" Nami suggested.

"Alright what game?" You asked.

"Truth or dare! I haven't played that!!" Boa said.

You raised an eyebrow at her and then shrugged. All of them agreed and you all played truth or dare. "I'll go first. Y/N truth or dare?" Boa asked.


"I dare you to go up to Law and ask him to marry you!" She said while giving you a harribo ring.

You laughed and went out. You and Law was always clowning around with eachother. You went up to Law and smiled. He smiled back. You kneeled on one knee and took out a box which you took out one of your rings which your brother gave you for a birthday present.

All the boys was shocked but Law knew you was joking so he smiled even more. "Will you marry me Law?" You opened the box and as soon as Law saw the ring he laughed.

"Of course sweetie!" He said while laughing.

"Aw Darling!" You said.

The both of you started to laugh and so did everyone else. Except Ace. You got up and walked back to the cabin. Everyone knew this was a joke which is a good thing. You all took it in turns to play it and once you all got bored you walked out to get some fresh air.

As you was walking you saw Ace alone. You sighed and walked up to him. "Hey." You said.

He turned around and saw you. He got up and glared at you. You glared back. "What do you want?" He asked.

"Jeez I only said hi. You was on your own so I thought you would like some company."

"Not from you!"

"Fuck you too!!"

"I'd rather not!!"

"Ugh! Your impossible!"

You stormed off passed Ace and around the lake. He sighed and sat down. He looked at the lake with no expression. All the boys saw what just happened. And they sighed.

All of them looked at each other and back at Ace. All of them went back in and was trying to think of why you and Ace keep arguing. All except Law he didn't care. "Well all I can think of is that Ace likes her." Zoro said.

Sabo nodded in agreement and looked at his brother. "Father won't be happy if we don't figure this out and help him." Sabo added.

"Yeah! Father will be angry!" Luffy said.

All of the boys started to think.

Meanwhile you got back and went to your bed to lay down. "What happened?" Boa asked.

"She probably had a fight with Ace again." Nami said.

"You two are still fighting?" Charlotte asked.

"They fight everyday." Robin answered.

"What?! Why? Haven't you two had enough of arguing?" Perona asked you.

"Shut up!" You shouted.

"I'm sure they have but they keep fighting anyway." Vivi added.

All the girls looked at you and sighed. "Y/N. Why do you keep fighting with him?" They asked.

"He starts it." You said.

"What about the bus?"

"Marco was trying to wake him. I helped but his reaction made me laugh. I don't want to fight with him anymore but he's such a stuck up aggravating asshole that my first reaction is to fight back." You answered.

All the girls didn't say anything. They just looked at you. No one said anything and sooner or later you fell asleep.

Ace however was still sat outside. Looking at the lake. "Hey Ace. Ain't you gonna go back inside?" Luffy asked.

Luffy didn't have a reply.

He walked closer to his older brother and saw him sleeping. Luffy woke him up and convinced him to go inside. As soon as Ace got in all the boys looked at him.

"You've been out there for a long time. Are you alright?" Marco asked him.

"Yeah I'm alright I just fell asleep." Ace said.

He climbed into bed and went to sleep shortly after that.

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