Chapter 10

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As you awoke from your slumber you felt the sun rays touching your face. You got up and took a shower and got dressed everyone else except Nami was already awake you looked at her and sighed.

You and Ace was getting along better than you used to. But will it last?

You went over to Nami's room and tried to wake her up, but she wouldn't wake up so you left her sleep. You walked out and saw Ace standing there and it seemed like he was waiting for you. "What do you want Portgas?" You asked him.

"Everyone else went on ahead I'm supposed to stay here and wait for you and Nami." He explained.

You nodded your head at his words and looked at him as you did. "Nami is still sleeping, so it might be awhile." You said to him.

He looked at you for a few minutes and then sighed, turning around to look away from you, grumbling words out of his mouth and you glaring at him. "What was that?" You asked him.

"None of your damn business!" Ace snapped back.

"And here's me thinking you changed, god your just as annoying as ever! Hurry up and say what you said!" You said to him back.

"Go and wake her up already!" Ace said with a matching annoyed tone of voice of yours.

You pouted and stormed off walking to get Nami awake it took a long while for you too actually wake her up and you still managed to do so. When she joined you and Ace she noticed that once again you two was arguing. She sighed and started to walk with you and Ace. The both of you fell silent and not looking at eachother, infact you was looking in the opposite direction of eachother.

"They was fighting again?" Zoro asked no one in particular.

"Yep up until just a few minutes ago." Nami replied to him.

All of them sighed and Luffy ran up to see Ace and stood right next to his brother. "Ace your suppose to be getting along! What happened?!" Luffy asked his brother with a frown on his face.

Ace looked at his brother and was about to answer but a sudden pain went through his chest and his eyes widened. You looked at him and then at the whole where he was shot, your eyes widened and most of the people there started to scream in horror at what they saw.

Ace coughed up blood and fell to the floor as he did. "Ace. . . Ace!. . . . ACCCCCCCE!!" Luffy shouted eyes widened and a look that can only be described as complete sadness and fright on his face.

The ones that knows medical knowledge rushed over to ace's side and started to work on him, trying too keep him alive and trying to keep him steady. You, Luffy and some others was trying to find the one who done it but too no avail.

The teachers that was with you on this trip all rushed over and saw Axe laying on the floor, his blood pouring out of his body and the grass he fell on going from green too crimson red with the blood of the boy that was laying there.

"I'm sorry. . . There is nothing I can do. . It's already too late. ." Law said to everyone with his head down.

"No. . . Ace. . . If this is a joke it's not funny! Damnit you Bastard open your eyes! Open them right now!" You shouted while shaking his body back and forth.

But nothing happened, really was gone.

I am so sorry I didn't even try too get along.

~The end~

And I'm done! Don't come after me for the ending I really forgot what I wanted to put and I couldn't think, so in case it happened again I ended it the only way I thought was right. Ace have died for a second time. . .

Let's all take a moment of silence for this flame pirate that we all love.

Okay moment over but honestly guys have none of you learned anything from the "Depressed! Todoroki x Reader" book?

There have been so many people messaging me saying I need to this, I need to do that.

Well. . .


Once again I didn't want to end it like this, but I didn't have a choice again, suggest things like "if your struggling with ideas maybe this will help you" and then say your idea. DO NOT say "you NEED to do this" or "you HAVE to do that."

Because once again as you can see I don't. That is the one thing I really can't stand, this is my story and I can decide what to do.

I apologize too everyone for keeping you waiting for so long and then this is the result. I truly am sorry.

I do hope you enjoyed the story so far either way. Thank you all so much for your support.


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