Chapter 3

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As the day began you got up as the sun rised. You got up and got dressed. All the girls looked at you. Another day another chance for you and Ace to fight. You walked out seeing a bright light waited for your eyes to adjust to the light. Basically accepting the light. Once it finally did you saw the boys and girls already outside.

You were still half asleep and just sat down without thinking/looking where. "Aw, Y/N is still half asleep. Isn't that nice!" Ace joked.

"Shut your aggravating self absorbed mouth up Portgas." You shot back.

"Ace, she's not nice when  she first waked up." Vivi explained.

"When is she ever nice?" Ace asked.

"All the time but you keep-"

You got up and wanted to go back to sleep but unfortunately you couldn't go back to the cabin since all the girls would wake you up. So you walked over to Law and sat on his lap, rested your head on his chest and closed your eyes.

Everyone was shocked but Law saw you was tired and just let you be. "Hahaha, Y/N you can't go back to sleep hahaha!" Luffy said.

"Luffy the first activity isn't until later." Sanji said.

"....oh yeah." Luffy said.

Everyone started laughing at that. As much as Law would have let you sleep you needed to walk up to have food. So he got up and walked over to the lake then dropped you in.

"Ah Fuck!! Cold!" You said. And stood up. It was the shallow part of the lake so you could stand up.

Everyone started to laugh as you got out of the water. And went to change clothes. When you came back out you sat by Law and Luffy and punched Law's shoulder. "asshole." You said to him.

He laughed and and then you looked around everyone. "what is the first activity?" You asked them.

"A water gun fight." Ace answered.


"What?" Ace asked.

"The fact your brain works amazes me." You said back to him.

"What did you say to me?" He asked while he got up.

You then got up and looked at him. "You heard me." You said back.

"Oh no here we go again..." Robin said.

"You know there is a surprise that people actually like you!"

"I'm not the one that's mean to others for no good reason you asshole!"

"You fucking bitch! I answered your question and you said that!"

"You started it you mindless self absorbed prick!"

"How?! What did I do?"

"If it wasn't for you I-" you stopped your sentence that you was going to say and looked at you.

"You what?" He asked you.

"Nevermind!" You stormed off since you couldn't be bothered with this.

Everyone looked at you walk off. Boa got up and went after you. "Y/N... Are you alright?" She asked you.

"Not really Boa..." You answered her.

"... What was you going to say to him?" She asked you.

The truth was, your little arguments have been going on for years. The first time it started he just started to call you names. And you started to hate yourself for it. But now you just don't care. Once you told Boa that she sighed. And sat down on her bed which was next to yours.

"You should have just told him to leave you alone." She said.

"I did. But he won't. Haha doesn't matter now." You said to her.

"Y/N! Boa! The activity is gonna start!" Sanji called.

You and Boa both went out side and took a water gun. "Alright, I'm sure I don't have to tell you this but the last one that didn't get hit is the winner. Have fun! Go." Mr Rogers said to you.

All of you ran off in different directions. The first one out was Sanji, Nami, Usopp, so on so forth until you and Ace was the last ones left. You and him was behind a tree hiding. Then you had an idea. You snuck around the tree and threw a rock the other direction. Ace looked and you shot his back.

"Yay! I won!" You exclaimed.

Ace looked at you and then sighed. He walked away while Vivi and all the girls ran over to you. They were happy you won.

You Looked at the boys and saw that they were happy they tried there best but wanted to win anyway.

"Alright there is only one activity per day so you all can do whatever you want to. Make sure no one gets too hurt alright?" Mr Rogers asked everyone.

"Yes sir." You all said together.

Mr Rogers walked off. Ace, Luffy and Sabo said bye to there father as he did walk off. You saw that some kids was messing around since this is a public place it's to be expected. You smiled at the sight and turned away.

"AHHHHH!" Your eyes widened and you turned around.

In the water a kid was drowning you quickly ran over and saw that he couldn't swim. You looked around and held on to a tree and pulled the kid up. Everyone ran after you and saw the kid crying while holding on to you.

You turned to the other kids and they cried with relief to see there friend alright. "where's the adult what's supposed to be with you?" You asked them. But they just looked at eachother. "Law check if this boy is alright." Law made his way through the and looked at the boy.

You went over to the other kids and looked at them. "tell me where they are. You won't be in trouble." You told them.

All of a sudden some people came running over and you explained what happened. "Thank you. Thank you so much!" They said to you.

You smiled at them and then turned to Law and the kid. "He's going to be fine. He just passed out because of shock." Law said to all of them.

"Thank God he's alright. Thank you both. I'm grateful." After they said that they turned around and left.

Vivi, Robin, Boa, Charlotte, Nami and Perona all ran over to you.

"Y/N are you alright?!"

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