Chapter 7

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Once it was morning you all got up and headed to the kitchen. you saw the boys on one side and the girls on the other. Maybe it's because Roger knows Boa will concentrate on Luffy and not any thing else.

"Alright. The boys will make break and Pizza and the girls will make cupcakes and a cake. No fighting Ace, Y/N. And please don't make too much of a mess. After all we are borrowing this from the staff that works here. Do you all understand?" Rogers asked you all.

"Yes sir." All of you answered.

"Alright Y/N, Boa and Robin you guys work on the big cake. Me, Vivi, Charlotte and Perona will make the cupcakes." Nami said.

You nodded your head. You started on the decorations. Boa made the icing and Robin started on the mixture of the cake. While you was making the decorations you saw the boys didn't know what to do. You raised an eyebrow at them all.

"Guys why ain't you working?" You asked them.

"We don't know who should do what." Luffy answered.

You turned around and walked over to them. "Well why not do this. Portgas, Sabo, Luffy, Zoro, Chopper and Marco you guys work on the pizza since the things are closer to you. The others will work on the bread. You guys can work out the rest right?" You asked them.

"Yep thank you. That was easy!" Sabo said.

You walked back and still making the decorations. "Robin is the mixture done?" You asked her.

"Yeah almost Y/N."

"I'm almost done with the icing." Boa said.

You smiled at them and then nodded Your head at what they said. Once you finished the decorations you wait for Robin to pour the mixture and put it in the oven.

You timed it and set an alarm clock for when the cake is done. You smirked as you got a challenge for everyone. You took out some food out you blinded folded Robin. "ok I'll pass you some food and you eat it. Just for reaction." You said she nodded at you.

You held up food in front of her and she ate it. It was cake. She enjoyed it. You turned around and saw the boys looking you. "You guys want to join in?" You asked them.

"Yeah sure" all of them said.

Luffy blindfolded Ace and you gave him the most spicest pepper ever. He ate it you watched his reaction. "It's a pepper. It hot fuck...." He said while getting water.

You started to laugh and looked at him as he took off the blindfold. "That's a hot pepper. That gets hotter the longer it's left. I know you can stand heat so I want to know if it actually does work. And it does." You said to him.

Ace glared at you as you glared back. Now you all decided to take it in turns. So now it was Ace's turn to pick someone. And he chose Luffy. He gave Luffy some meat. "Y/N you brother made this peppers where did you get that from?" Nami asked you

You moved your eyes to her and smiled. "Well, he gave me some and I've been keeping them in my room. Thought they would be ready when I brought them here and I was right." You explained.

"I pick Y/N." Law said.

You walked over and stood Infront of them. Ace blindfolded you and you sighed. Law passed you some food and you are it. "Oh Marshmello!" You said out loud.

You un-blindfolded yourself and made boa go next. You moved Luffy closer but told him to be quite. Boa held onto Luffys finger and put it in her mouth all of you started laugh while un-blindfolded herself. Her face went red as she passed out.

You and everyone else was laughing except from Luffy he was confused. The timer for cake has gone off. You let everyone continue with the game while you decorate the cake with the icing and the things you made. The cupcakes were done too and you used the icing they made and some that Boa made.

Ace was sorting out the pizza and the bread once they were all done you and Ace put them in the middle and everyone was amazed with what eachother done. When Roger came back he was happy that nothing happened. You call carried the food outside and started to have Some food. And yes you did wake Boa up.

She isn't happy with what you did.

You and all the others was having fun and messing around. "Damn boys this pizza is awesome!" You said.

"Thank Ace. He mostly made Made it." Luffy said.

"Ah, Thanks Portgas for not poisoning us all." You said jokingly.

"I'll poison you first." He said back to you.

"Well pizza is nice. Thanks Portgas." You said.

He looked at you with shock.

Thank you for reading guys!!

Hope your enjoying so far.

No one is commenting on whether you want this or not so what I'm gonna do is put it on every now and then until you comment.

Hope your all safe. 2020 is a strange year.

Bye for now

To be continued!

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