Chapter 6

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"Aw Y/N!"

You glared at your brother and then rolled your eyes. You kicked him off of you. You walked away. "Y/N! WAIT A MINUTE! I have a present." He said.

You stopped and turned around to him as well as you walked towards him. "What did you get me?" You asked him. He smiled at you and gave you a (favourite colour) necklace. You smiled and hugged him.

"Thanks bro!" You said to him.

"No problem sis." He said. He let go and and ran off.

He ran off and you went back to the cabin where you didn't have to see Ace's face. And to be honest you wasn't feeling well either. Law noticed and followed you into the cabin. "Y/N let me check you over please." He asked you.

You looked at him and sighed. You was laying on your side. Now your on your back. Law checked you over and he got concerned. "Y/N your not well . You shouldn't go out. Just rest." Law said.

"But I'll be bored." You stated.

"What's wrong?" Mr Rogers asked.

"Sir. Y/N can't leave this room. She's not well. But she'll be bored so..." Law stopped.

"Ace! Ace get here!" Rogers called.

"Oh for the love of Ninja." You mumbled.

"Yes dad?" Ace answered.

"Y/N isn't well-"

"Good for her."

"Your going to stay with her because she will be bored. No funny things and no fughting." Rogers said while leaving with Law.

Ace sat down on your bed while you was laying on your side. "You good?" Ace asked.

"Why?" You answered.

"Bored. So tried to make conversation." Ace said to you.

"Yeah well don't bother." You told him.

He sighed and looked at your back. You kept on facing the wall and not turning around to face him. Ace decided to lay down next to you. "Ace...why are you still here?" You asked him.

"Because my father said for me to stay and look after you." He answered.

You and him just layed there. No one speaking to each other. "Y/N, listen. I am really sorry. I didn't mean what I said. I'm so sorry. I hope you can forgive me one day. Your so aggravating and you just piss me off. But sometimes I guess your annoyed with me too." Ace said to you.

However, you didn't answer.



Ace got up and sat up and and looked at you he saw you couldn't breathe. His eyes widened as he quickly got up and ran out. "Help! Y/N can't breathe!" Ace shouted.

Law ran over and so did Roger. Ace waited in the room while Law sorted you out Roger called for an ambulance. When they arrived all your friends was waiting outside as they saw you being taken in the ambulance.

"Y/N!" They shouted but ace stopped them.

They all looked at him with worry filling in there eyes. "she's gonna be alright. Don't worry." Ace tried to reassure them. However, it didn't work. They still are so worried about you.

Roger decided not to have an activity going on today since no one has the spirit for it. "I will see if she is alright. I will tell you what happened as soon as I find out." He said.

All of them nodded there heads. "Oh I hope she's going to be alright." Chopper said.

"She will be." Robin said back.

"Yeah Y/N is strong! She'll be alright. No doubt." Luffy said.

Everyone agreed with what he said and they all smiled at the thought of you getting better. "Ace, no fighting with her after this. She might seem alright but she will be tired." Nami said to him.

Ace nodded his head and put his hat over his eyes so no one could see the worry that was filling them.

Not too long later Roger came back while you was walking behind him. All of them ran over to you except for Ace. They all asked how you was. You of course was trying to calm them down. "What happened?!" Vivi asked.

"The doctor said there is nothing wrong with me." You said to them all.


This surprised even Ace. He could clearly tell that wasn't breathing properly. And yet they couldn't even find anything that was wrong with you. You smiled at all of them. They calmed down and they took you to the cabin. Ace waited by the door frame. The other boys was scattered around the room.

All of them looking at you while you was looking at each and everyone of them. Roger announced earlier that because it's not a good idea to let you do anything dramatic you all will be cooking tomorrow. Sanji was happy no doubt.

"Well then what a day I had..."

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