S1 Ep6 & 7 : Run For Your Wife & En Garde

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''Alex, Luke, Hannah!'' Mom yelled. ''Just say we did it together, we're twins. That should be good,'' I said. I opened my journal and it showed a complete assignment, along with photos and marked text. ''No. That's not what we-- Wait. When did you even do that? That's impressive,'' Mom said and she grabbed my journal. ''I have a lot of free time and dad constantly forgets his phone, I basically use it more than he does,'' I explained. Then Alex walked in with her cello.

''We need to go we're going to be late,'' I said as I looked on the clock. ''That's where that is,'' Dad said as he grabbed his phone out of my hands. ''Yes, we are going. Now, Luke don't say anything about the journal. Just let Hannah talk, okay?'' Mom said and Luke agreed.

''Hey, hey. There they are. How was the first day back in prison?'' Dad joked. ''Actually not bad. I already made three new friends,'' I said. ''What are you doing?'' Alex asked. ''Your mom and I are racing to the mailbox on Sequoia and back,'' Dad explained. I didn't want to know why, so I just headed inside.

''Luke, I made you something,'' I said and handed him a paper with a bunch of stickers and drawing I knew he'd like. ''This is a schedule. When homework needs to be finished and with upcoming tests. Just for you,'' I said. ''Thanks, Hannah,'' Luke said and he hugged me.

Looking at Manny fencing, wasn't one of my hobbies. I was very bored. I mean, Manny was very good, just not very interesting. Clearly, only Haley shared my thoughts. ''Did you know that fencing goes back to the 12th century?'' Alex said. ''Do you know what's even nerdier than fencing? Knowing when it began,'' Haley said not even looking up from her phone and I laughed at her comment.

''No, no, no, no, no. My phone died,'' Haley complained. ''No biggie. Your battery probably just statically defracticated,'' Alex said. I already knew what she was up to. ''It means you can recharge it with static electricity,'' Alex explained. ''Yeah, totally. Just run it against your hair. Just like a balloon. That's always fun,'' I said. Then I zoned out just because I found the balloon so fun.

I came out of my zone when Uncle Cam ran past me with his camera. That was very weird, to be honest.

''Yeah, our kids are great.'' ''They're the greatest.'' ''Are they the best at something?'' ''Well Alex is great at every single thing she tries, so, you know. She'll find her speciality.'' ''She will. And Haley is- uh, very pretty. So she can meet someone who is the best at something.'' ''Yeah, so that leaves the twins.'' ''Yeah, uh- I think we kind of dropped the ball on Luke and Hannah...'' ''What am I?'' I asked joining the conversation. ''How long have you been listening?'' Mom asked. ''Would you believe it if I said I heard nothing?'' I asked. ''No.'' Mom said. ''Okay, I heard everything,'' I said. ''Hannah, please don't tell anyone,'' Dad said. ''I won't. For your sakes. But what am I?'' I asked again. ''Well, Hannah. You're really just a mix of us all,'' Mom said and I smiled and walked away.

I clapped as the announcer person announced that Manny won. I was happy for him, but again I would rather be doing something else.

''What are you watching?'' Mom asked as she entered the room. ''The Rocky Horror Picture Show,'' I said as I paused it. ''I have never heard of that. What is it about?'' Mom asked. ''No idea,'' I answered. ''Wait. How do you have no idea? You're watching it,'' Mom asked. ''It's very random,'' I answered. ''Let me watch it,'' Mom said. ''Wait, I really liked this song,'' I said. ''It's a musical?'' Mom asked. ''Sort of,'' I said and played it again at the moment of Time Warp. ''Oh my god, what on earth is this?'' Mom asked shocked. ''Told you,'' I said and by this time I was dancing along with the characters. ''Wait how are you dancing along. Did you see this multiple times?'' Mom asked. ''It's just a jump to the left. And then a step to the right. With your hands on your hips. And bring your knees in tight,'' I sang. Then mom looked at me with a shocked face.

''What?'' I asked. ''We need to get you into drama club. And Uncle Mitch and Cam,'' Mom said. ''I don't get it,'' I said. ''Well, honey. We found something that you are the best in,'' Mom said as she stood up to get me tp Uncle Mitch and Cam.

''Hey Claire, Hannah. To what do I owe this pleasure?'' Uncle Cam asked as he opened the door. ''You guys know about music and stuff right?'' Mom asked. ''Just because we are gay doesn't mean that--'' Uncle Cam started. ''Cam,'' Uncle Mitch cut in. ''Okay, yeah,'' Uncle Cam said. ''Why?'' Uncle Mitch asked. ''Well I was watching a song from uh- What's it called, Hannah?'' Mom asked. ''The Rocky Horror Picture Show,'' I said. ''Wait why were you watching that?'' Uncle Mitch chuckled. ''I was watching it with Hannah,'' Mom said. ''But Hannah started singing and dancing and she was good, at least I think so,'' Mom explained. ''Well little Hannah, show us what you got,'' Uncle Cam said. ''I don't know what,'' I said. It wasn't that I didn't dare to, I generally didn't know what.

''Just do the thing,'' Mom said and she started doing weird movements. ''Well, at least we know that shouldn't be dancing,'' Uncle Mitch said. ''Time Warp?'' I asked. ''Great,'' Uncle Cam said. ''I always wanted to go as Frank-N-Furter with Halloween,'' Uncle Cam continued. ''No offence, but I'm begging you not to. I don't want to see anyone as Frank-N-Furter,'' I said. ''Oh, okay,'' Uncle Cam said, a little disappointed. ''I'm going to start now,'' I said.

I started singing and dancing, trying to not make a fool out of myself. ''Well, how did we do?'' I asked. ''Hannah, that was amazing,'' Uncle Mitch said. ''Really amazing,'' Uncle Cam added. ''I know 3 drama clubs we can sign you up to,'' He added. ''Don't ask why,'' He said. ''Do you want to, sweetheart?'' Mom asked. ''Yeah, but are you sure I'm good. I don't want to embarrass myself,'' I said. ''We're sure,'' Uncle Mitch said. ''We need to go, though. We're going to be late for Manny's competition.

After Manny won, we all walked outside only to see mom and Uncle Mitch doing some weird dance routine.

''No, I need to watch this,'' I said. ''Why?'' Because I think this show is totally awesome. I only need to watch one show, the rest of the time you guys can watch tv,'' I explained as Glee played on the television. Everyone groanded, but I smiled because I knew I got to watch it.

''So, what did you think?'' I asked everyone as the show ended. ''Lame,'' Luke, Alex and Haley replied. ''Awesome,'' Dad said and I laughed. I knew he'd like it. ''Mom?'' I asked. ''Okay, it was kind of great. But don't tell anyone I said that,'' She said and I laughed.

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