S1 Ep22 : Airport 2010

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''Why do you have so many bags?'' I asked Luke. ''We're going to Hawaii,'' Luke explained. ''Yet I fit everything in 2 backpacks,'' I said. ''I don't care,'' Luke said. ''Fine. You do you,'' I said and rolled my eyes. 

''We still haven't decided who is going alone in a room,'' I reminded everyone downstairs. ''I know, sweetie. We'll figure it out on the plane, now move it. We don't want to be late,'' Mom rushed us outside.

''How long?'' I asked. ''30 minutes, Hannah.'' ''How long?'' Luke asked. ''25 minutes.'' ''How long?'' ''23 minutes, now stop asking. I'll tell you when it's 10 minutes.''

''There he is,'' I pointed at Granpa. ''Okay, three, two, one,'' Mom counted down and we all ran at Grandpa. ''Happy birthday!'' We surprised him. ''The whole family is coming with us,'' Gloria explained and I smiled.  ''They are?'' Grandpa asked. ''Yes, and Mitch and Cameron and Lily too,'' Gloria said very excitedly. ''Yes, and Phil is just checking the bags,'' Mom explained. ''Oh, that's where he went,'' I said at the same time with Luke. ''Wow. That's uh- Wow,'' Granpa replied.

''No, Luke,'' I said and quickly ran after him. ''Luke. Come on. Stop chasing that balloon,'' I said as I caught up with him. ''But, it's very pretty,'' Luke excused himself. ''Yes it is, but now is not the time. Actually, it's never the time. Can't you just be serious for like 3 seconds,'' I snapped at him. ''You just need to loosen up,'' Luke snapped back. ''Let's get back,'' I groaned and walked back to the family.

''You know what I am completely done with your irrational behaviour. I don't want to share a room with you. Even if that means being alone,'' I snapped. ''Fine. I don't want to share a room with you either!'' Luke yelled back. ''Hey, hey, hey. What's going on? We're at an airport. Calm down,'' Mom said. ''What's going on is that this idiot is so stupid that he thought to chase a balloon through a crowded airport was a good idea,'' I said and I frowned at Luke. ''Hey, be nice,'' Mom commented. ''Yeah, but I don't think Hannah is able to. She never stops judging me!'' Luke yelled. ''Calm down. I'm already very stressed right now. I don't need this. Luke go talk to Manny and Hannah, go sit with your sisters,'' Mom said as she pushed us away.

I angrily sat down on a chair next to Haley. ''What is up with you? Wait, I don't care. Check out that guy over there. What do you think,'' Haley asked. I groaned first but then I said: ''Yeah, cute. I don't know why, but he looks pretty young to me.'' ''No way, he's definitely my age,'' Haley said and walked over there. ''Bye,'' I said and got up. 

Now I was just wandering around a couple of rows of chairs. Was this really worth fighting over with Luke? So he can be a little childish, what's wrong with that? You know what? No, I am not losing another fight. He wants to be a toddler, fine. But he shouldn't be telling me to loosen up, because you know what? I get things done. This year I have already covered 22 times for him. 22 times! He wants to act like this, fine. I won't help him anymore.

Now, let's get on the plane.

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