S1 Ep9 : Fizbo

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''There they are. The big day's coming up. What do you want for your birthday, wonder twins?'' Dad asked as Luke and I walked into the kitchen. ''No thanks, I'm fine,'' Luke said. ''Same here,'' I replied. ''Come on. Sky's the limit. Dream big, my boy,'' Dad said as he stood up from the table. ''Well, I guess I could use a belt,'' Luke said. ''Yeah, I could maybe use some pens for school,'' I shrugged. ''Pens? A belt?'' Mom asked. ''You're right. We don't need them,'' I said. ''Extention cord works pretty good,'' Luke explained as he showed his extension cord belt. ''Yeah, I mean writing with sidewalk chalk is also fine,'' I explained. All we got as a reply was a sigh. 

''Haley!'' I yelled from my room. ''What?'' She yelled back. I knew what I had to yell in order for her to come. ''Clothes problem!'' I yelled back. It might be a bit shallow, thinking she'd only come if I had a clothes problem. But it was true because now, Haley was standing in my room. ''Yes?'' She asked. ''Well, I do have a clothes problem, but also another problem,'' I said. ''You can tell me,'' She said as she sat down. ''Well, I'm afraid dad will put up a lot of balloons. The thing is, I'm afraid of them,'' I said. ''You're afraid of balloons,'' Haley said, clearly she thought it was very weird. ''Haley?'' I whined. ''Fine, I'll talk to dad. Now, clothes,'' She said as she stood up. ''Yes, I'd like to look nice on my birthday. Could you maybe help me?'' I asked. ''Of course. I was born for this,'' She said and I laughed. 

I got outside and looked at our birthday party. Lots of balloons. Lots of them. ''Haley!'' I yelled and quickly ran to mom. She was sitting on the driveway, and luckily there were no balloons there. ''What's wrong honey?'' Mom asked concerned. ''I'm afraid of balloons,'' I said as I hugged her. ''You yelled, what's up?'' Haley asked as she and Dylan walked over. ''Balloons,'' I said. ''Ah... I knew I forgot something,'' She said and walked away again. ''Here sit across from me, you can't see them like that,'' Mom said as she dragged the chair to the other side of the table. ''What are you doing sitting here?'' I asked. ''Oh, I'm making comb sheats! Do you want to make one?'' She asked enthusiastically. ''Not really, but I guess I have nothing else to do,'' I said and picked up a sheat.

''Phil!'' Mom yelled and dad jogged over. ''What?'' He asked. ''Can you take down the balloons, please?'' Mom asked. ''No, they're awesome. Why?'' He asked. ''Hannah is scared of them,'' She explained. ''What? Why?'' He asked. ''They're just scary. I don't want them to pop,'' I explained. ''It's okay, honey. I'll take 'em down,'' Dad said and he jogged away again. 

I could finally go 'into' the party and talk with my friends. That's when grandpa walked up to me. ''Hey, Hannah. I got you a gift,'' He said and handed me a bow and arrows. ''This is so cool. But I'm going to put this inside before I shoot someone or myself,'' I said. ''Very wise,'' Gloria said and I gave them both a hug. 

''Hey, Hannah. Want to do the rock wall with me?'' Luke asked as he ran up to me. ''Yeah, obviously,'' I said and we ran there together. Luke and I got up quickly, we just both ran into the same problem. Getting down.

''Now comes the fun part. Rappel down,'' Dad said from the ground. ''It's really high,'' I said back. ''You have nothing to fear except fear itself,'' He said and then he mumbled something about concrete. ''I'm here,'' He added. ''Grandpa!'' I yelled. ''You guys need to catch us, okay?'' I asked. ''We're here!'' Dad yelled. And luckily we got down safely. 

''Hey! You must be the birthday twins,'' Uncle Cam? said. ''Is that you uncle Cam?'' Luke asked, ''No. I'm Fizbo the clown,'' He said and laughed. ''Uncle-- Um, Fizo. I need to tell you that I'm afraid of balloons,'' I quickly said. ''Well, that's okay, little girl,'' He said and I smiled.

''Dad are you okay?'' I asked him. ''No,'' He said. ''It's the clown isn't it?'' I asked. All he did was nod very quickly. ''I'll go tell him,'' I said. ''Don't. It's embarrassing,'' Dad said. ''No. Do you know what's embarrassing? You acting like you're stoned every time he walks by,'' I said and walked away. ''Fizo!'' I yelled and Uncle Cam came up to me. ''Yes, Birthday Twin?'' He asked. ''Um, could you maybe stay away from dad. He's scared of clowns,'' I said. ''Oh... Okay,'' He said and walked away. 

Then suddenly I saw grandpa fire the crossbow he got Luke. ''What happened?'' Mom asked. ''Crossbow,'' Luke and I said. It was complete chaos. 

Luke and I tried to run from the chaos, but that was when we slipped over a bunch of beads and fell onto the concrete. ''Luke, Hanna? Are you okay?'' Mom said as she ran to us. ''Ow...'' We both winced. ''My arm,'' I said. ''My arm too,'' Luke said. We were both I pain. ''What happened?'' Both mom and dad asked. ''We slipped,'' I said. ''On these stupid beads,'' Luke finished me. Then Luke and I got carried to the car and we drove to the hospital.

Turns out we both had to get a cast. 

When we walked in the room where everyone else was, we got greeted by a lot of ''There they are,'' and ''Poor things.'' ''Wow,'' Luke said. ''Everyone is here,'' I said. ''Of course, we are. How are those busted flippers?'' Grandpa asked. ''Sorry again, twins. We'll try again next year,'' Dad apologized. ''Okay,'' We both nodded to grandpa's question. ''But this was the best birthday ever, except for the balloons,'' I said. ''What?'' Mom said confused. ''We got a cast,'' Luke said. ''You like the casts?'' Mom asked. ''We've always wanted them,'' Luke said and I agreed. ''Can we sign them?'' Manny asked. ''Of course,'' We said as we pulled out markers and everyone signed our casts.

Another very great memory was added to my life.

''We really like our cast.'' ''Yeah, but they're starting to itch.'' ''Luckily, mom made us these personal scratchers.'' It was a comb in a comb sheet. 

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