S1 Ep 19 : Game Changer

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''Today Sam Riley kicked a soccer ball and it hit another kid so hard his eye popped out,'' Luke said. ''Well, that didn't happen, but I'm pretty sure his nose is broken,'' I explained. ''Cool,'' Dad said as he picked up our plates. 

''Well gotta hit the sack. Big Saturday tomorrow,'' Dad said. ''That's right it's somebody's birthday tomorrow,'' Mom said which reminded me that I didn't have a present. I'll just say it's delayed  I thought to my self. ''Not just that. The iPad comes out on my actual birthday. It's like Steve Jobs and God got together to say: ''We love you, Phil.'' Dad explained and I chuckled. 

''We don't have a present,'' I whispered to Luke. ''Dammit. What do we do?'' He whispered back. ''I figured we'll just say the package is delayed and order something really quick,'' I explained. ''Okay, what are we going to buy?'' He asked. ''No idea. Want to go look?'' I asked. ''Yeah,'' He said and we both got up and quickly ran up the stairs.

''We are never going to find anything,'' Luke groaned as he fell back onto the bed. ''Well we did, it was just $50 dollars over budget,'' I said. ''Luke?'' I asked when I didn't get a response or a groan. Luke had fallen asleep. ''Idiot,'' I said as I let myself fall back too. Guess I was an idiot too because I also fell asleep.

The next day we were all waiting in the kitchen for Dad. ''I think he's coming,'' Alex whispered and when Dad did we all yelled: ''Happy birthday!'' ''You guys that's awesome. Oh, who are these from?'' He asked as he walked towards the balloons. ''Uncle Mitch and Cam,'' I answered.

''We're making you breakfast,'' Haley said proudly. ''French waffle cakes,'' She added. ''Let me guess: one waffle in between two pieces of French toast wrapped in a pancake,'' He guessed. ''Nailed it,'' Haley said as we continued breakfast while Dad hugged Alex and Luke. ''Get over here,'' Dad invited us in the hug. Haley just held out her arm and I stood still. ''Sorry, Dad. I don't want these to burn,'' I shrugged.

''Where's Mom?'' Luke then asked. ''You mean the greatest woman in the world? She is standing in line at the Apple Store, making all my birthday wishes come true. Let's see how these bad boys taste,'' Dad said as Haley and I put down the French waffle cakes. ''Dad no,'' Everyone yelled just before Dad grabbed on to the hot plate and dropped them. ''It's hot,'' Dad said. ''No shit Sherlock,'' I replied. ''Are you okay?'' Luke asked. ''Fresh out of the oven? That is-'' Dad said. ''Do you want some ice?'' Alex asked him. ''Yes,'' he said and we quickly grabbed some ice for him. ''Oh no, that burns in a different way,'' Dad said as he quickly removed the ice. ''Don't wash this until we can see if I can get my skin back,'' He said panicking. 

''Luke. No. You cannot fly with those balloons,'' I said as he climbed on top of the couch. ''Yes I can,'' He said and jumped off, not flying. ''Buddy! I think the problem is, you're not jumping from high enough. You should get on top of the garage,'' Alex suggested when Luke climbed back onto the couch. That's when Mom walked in and helped Luke off the couch. ''Alex, stop trying to kill your brother. Listen, guys, I need your help. We've gotta find your Dad one of those iPad thingies. So, Haley text everyone you know. Alex? Facebook, chat, tweet, buzz, bling, I don't know! Just do what you have to do. We have got to find one of these iPads. Okay?'' Mom said, clearly stressed.

''Luke? Hannah? Sweeties, stop inhaling the balloons and stay out of everyone's way,'' She said as she tried walking past the balloons. ''We're not inhaling them,'' We both said in squeaky voices. ''Stop lying,'' Mom said and she walked away. ''How did she know?'' Luke asked with his voice still high pitched. That made Haley and I just look at him in disbelief. 

''Isn't that a bit extreme?'' I asked. Luke had just suggested that we should tell Dad's friends he was dying and his last wish was an iPad. ''Yes. And that's what so awesome,'' Luke explained. ''Fine, send it,'' I sighed. ''I can't believe it,'' I said as the message came in. This person was actually coming over to give us an iPad. ''Awesome,'' Luke said and we high-fived.

''Mom,'' I said as Luke and I walked halfway down the stairs with the iPad. ''Yeah, Hannah, just hold on one minute,'' She said. ''Mom,'' Luke tried after a short while. ''I'll be there in just a second,'' She said. When Dad got outside we both said: "Mom.'' ''What do you want?'' Mom asked very snappily. ''We went on Dad's computer and contacted some of his geek friends,'' I said. ''We told them Dad was dying and his wish was an iPad,'' Luke added. ''What have I told you about lying,'' Mom said. ''One of them felt so bad, they brough over an extra one,'' I explained as Luke pulled the iPad out of the bag.''Oh , my God. You got. You beautiful little liars,'' She said as she hugged us. ''Here comes Dad,'' Luke warned and we quickly walked into the kitchen. 

Then we all celebrated that Dad got his iPad.

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