S1 Ep17 : Truth Be Told

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''Hey, honey, Hugh Grant has-'' Mom tried to say, but I guess she had him at Hugh Grant. ''Okay, well, Alex has a cello lesson at 11:00 and Junior Congress at noon,'' Mom tried to plan. ''Doesn't she also have no boys at forever?'' Haley mocked. ''Don't you have an eating disorder you need to attend to?'' Alex fired back. ''Yeah, anyway, we could see the 4:00 or the 6:20,'' Mom suggested. ''Oh, actually, that's no good. I'm meeting my friend Denise for a drink,'' Dad explained. ''Denise? Do I know Denise?'' Mom asked. ''Yeah. You know, my old girlfriend,'' Dad said casually. 

''Oh, my God. Gross. I can't even picture you with a woman,'' Haley said. ''Thank you,'' Mom sarcastically said. ''You had a girlfriend before Mom?'' Luke asked. ''Try two,'' Dad said confidently. ''Trust me I had a lot of fun, then I met your Mom,'' Dad said. ''And thank you,'' Mom said again sarcastically.

''So I guess she travels around selling makeup for a cosmetics company. She's in town for a week,'' Dad explained. ''She's like a door-to-door salesman?'' Alex asked. ''If you were doing it, they'd called it,'' Luke started. ''A dork-to-dork salesman,'' We both finished and high-fived. ''Oh! My twins strike like a rattlesnake!'' Dad said/yelled. ''Oh, yeah? W-Well, you-,'' Alex tried to fire back but failed so I got off my chair.

''Well, that was surreal but nice,'' I said and left, but quickly walked back in. ''Hugh Grant. Notting Hill. You get it?'' I chuckled but only smiled. ''No. Okay,'' I said and left again.

Then I got a text from Gloria. 

Hola, Hannah. Is it okay if I pick you up around 1:50? Manny is still said that he didn't get the part of Tevye.

I thought, since you're like a performer now, you could maybe cheer him up.

And this is between me and you, but Manny gets a little nervous singing in front of people. So maybe you can help him get over that?

Hey Gloria. I'll go aks Dad, but I'd be happy to come

But, um, remember when I learned a little Spanish from you? And especially with the whole rolling r thing?

Yes, why?

Well, if I rolled a few r's or did a Spanish accent in public, would I offend people or make a complete fool of myself?

No. You were pretty good actually, you can hear you don't speak Spanish ¿Por qué?

Just wondering

He said yes! I'll see you soon

See you soon.

''Hey! Hannah, ready to go?'' Gloria asked. ''Can you please tell me what we are doing? I thought we were getting ice cream?'' Manny asked. ''We are, I just invited Hannah along,'' Gloria explained. ''Bye Dad!'' I yelled and left the house.

After we ate our ice creams, I still hadn't helped Manny. ''Want so sing with me, Manny?'' I suddenly said. ''Right now? We're in the middle of the busiest mall in our neighbourhood,'' Manny said shocked. ''Yeah, what do you think?'' I asked excitedly. ''I don't know, Hannah,'' Manny doubted but I just smiled at him. ''Okay, why are you smiling like that? I got a feeling that you're up to something,'' Manny said. Then I whistled really loudly, grabbing a few people's attention.

Then the music started playing and a few girls from theatre/drama club joined me and a few boys went to stand behind Manny. ''I know you know this one, Manny,'' I said and started to sing.

Puerto Rico, my heart's devotion,
Let it sink back in the ocean,
Always the hurricanes blowing,
Always the population growing.
And the money owing,
And the sunlight streaming,
And the natives steaming.
I like the island Manhattan,

By this point, the people at the mall had given us space to dance and a smile had grown on Manny's face.

By the time it was Manny's turn to sing, I smiled at him for encouragement. And like I had hoped, he sang.

''Ay, that was so great, mi niños. But how did you manage to do all of that?'' Gloria asked me. ''I have friends,'' I chuckled.

''Hey! I'm back!'' I yelled as I walked through the front door.  But all I heard was: ''You took me to Santa Fe!'' Spoken by an unknown voice. I couldn't just be a normal person so I immediately belted out: ''Santa Fe! You can bet. We won't let them bastards beat us.'' ''Hannah, not now,'' Mom snapped and I walked upstairs, slightly upset.

After a while, I heard mom yell. ''Hannah! Come back down, honey!'' I walked downstairs and saw Mom standing there, arms folded and looking...I don't know. ''Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you. I was just a little tense,'' She apologised. ''Don't worry, Mom. I understand,'' I said and hugged her. 

A/n: kinda feel like this chapter is crap but.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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