Chapter Two

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"Dude, you gave my room away?  I was only gone for like three months!"

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"Dude, you gave my room away? I was only gone for like three months!"

"Bro, you were gone for three months yes, but you didn't say a word to either of us for three months either!"

I awoke to yelling out in the living room which answered my question of if sound traveled through the walls, and it did...a little too well.

I shoved the pillow over my head to try and muffle the argument Emmett was having with my brother but to no avail, the sound still punctured the fluffy material so I decided to get ready to face the wolves.

I didn't have an ensuite bathroom so I grabbed my overnight bag in the corner with a few of my toiletries and steadied my racing heart when the weight of three pairs of eyes landed directly on me as soon as I stepped out of the sanctuary of my room, the one Emmett was desperately trying to take back.

I ran a hand absentmindedly through my hair as I got an eye full of the man who'd invaded my personal space the night before.

I bit down hard on my lip under the scrutiny of his gaze.

He'd gotten way more muscular since I had met him two years prior.  Deep brown hair swept across tanned skin and icy blue eyes seemingly even more blue than I remembered awaited me upon first glance.

He was well over six feet tall as he towered over my brother who had a smaller stature like me. 

I had slept in the same bed as that last night?!

Something about the way he looked at me in the harsh morning light struck a chord through my aching senses and forced me to feel something other than self-loathing and intense morose pain.

A slicing image of my best friend with her draped all over my fiancé flashed through my head and I had to look away from the three guys staring at me like I was a wounded animal to catch my breath.

Ex-best friend...ex-fiancé...

"Lydia, hey, how are you?"

My brother's concerned voice cut through the pain.

"Fine.  I'm just going to the bathroom."

The harsh whispers from their mouths hit my ears before I even had a chance to shut the door.

"What is she even doing here?  What, did your parents kick her out of the house or something?"

Oh poor Emmett, if only it were that simple...

I turned my phone to my favorite music and blasted it through the speakers so I could cry under the spray of the shower water in peace. 

I was ashamed to admit that I had become a pro at crying discreetly but these circumstances were a bit different.

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