Chapter Eighteen

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"Oh, you caught that did you?"

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"Oh, you caught that did you?"

"Yeah.  So...?"

Rafael looked uncomfortable with the conversation but I wasn't one to stop prying just because the other person didn't particularly enjoy the topic, I was stubborn that way.

He sighed and swirled the straw in his milkshake that the waitress had dropped off on her way to take our food orders to the kitchen.

"A few years ago, Emmett was on his way to the NFL and his agent was wanting him to get acquainted with the owner of the team that was recruiting him, which was my father."

"Wow.  Okay, what team was that?"

"The Seattle Seahawks.  At first everything was fine, we went out to a few clubs and partied together for a while and honestly he was a really good friend, until his girlfriend got involved."

"His girlfriend?  The one that cheated on him?"

"I guess so.  Apparently she didn't want him going pro so soon and wanted him to stay in college ball while she was still going through school so they could be together.  When word got back to the recruiter that his star player was wanting to delay his acceptance to the Seahawks he withdrew his recruitment and that was when he called me out of his mind and we met up at the club that night to talk.  It wasn't pretty..."

It was hard to tell if everything Rafael was saying was the actual truth considering I had a really bad radar when it came to liars, case in point my lying cheating ex fiancee. 

"What happened at the club?"

"He showed up drunk and tried to fight me, threatening me to get him back on the team.  Then his girlfriend showed up and they got into a fight right in front of me and they broke up and I realize how bad this is going to sound on my part but she went home with me that night."


"Yeah, I had no idea you two even knew each other."

"It's okay, it doesn't surprise me honestly, his attitude towards me has been very hot and cold since I moved in a few days ago."

I thought back to the sensitive and sweet Emmett from the club and the tender moment we shared when he motivated me to go back to school and face Layla.

But then I thought back to him being callous and straight up disgusting towards me and I realized I had no idea who Emmett Scott really was, and no matter how hard I tried to see the good in people, the more my mind kept reminding me that there was no good in Nate and I imagined it all myself.

I didn't need to imagine the good in Emmett either, especially if there was none.

"A few days? So what was it exactly that made you move out and in a house with your brother and two other guys?"

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