Chapter Eighteen (Part 2)

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Lydia was desperate

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Lydia was desperate. She was looking for connections where I knew there were none, and even her law school friend Malcolm agreed with me. She was growing so restless with proving that her previous abuser had committed this crime that she couldn't ever just lay with me and relax, she had to be up and doing research on how easy it was to disable an ankle monitor.

Five days into her mandatory week of no activity, she was climbing the walls ready to break out of the apartment, so I knew I had to do something, but I didn't know what I could do to help her.

Her mother finally came over to give me a chance to speak with my agent in person and while we were out having lunch, the paparazzi found us, but it wasn't because of me. A familiar brunette sat across from us and I waved to Sofia as she was on what looked to be a business lunch as well.

Whereas before, I would've noticed how great she looked or commented on her clothes, I saw her only as a friend that I helped out to get the guy of her dreams and she was the person who told me to get over myself and go to Lydia, and at the perfect time too.

"Emmett, I'm so glad I ran into you. I think I left one of my silver earrings at your place, along with a few other items. Is there any way I can run by there and pick them up or do you want me to mail them to you?"

"Uh, well I guess I can just-"

"Great, I'll stop by later today."

She stood to leave but I hardly had a word out of my throat in agreement before she was up and leaving, a very confused look left on my face by her behavior.

"What was that about?"

I looked at my manager and shook my head. "No idea."

We set to work on my contract renegotiating and I ended up with way more money that I would have ever hoped to aspire to earn and I was even low balling. No person should have that much money...

I left lunch with a feeling that Sofia was going to swing by the apartment much earlier than I had expected so I hurried back to find something I hadn't ever expected to see.

My ex, for all intents and purposes, sitting with Lydia in my living room, the both of them watching me with thinly veiled humor in their features. Well, at least they weren't fighting.

  Well, at least they weren't fighting

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