Chapter Twenty-Four (Part 2)

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An entire night filled with talking and crying could really exhaust a person, and I was living proof of that

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An entire night filled with talking and crying could really exhaust a person, and I was living proof of that.

After waking up to find the bed empty and the kitchen wafting scents crafted from heaven above, I discerned that a certain someone was up and cooking the two of us breakfast.

I was more than surprised, however, to find two familiar faces seated at the nook in the kitchen while Emmett slaved away on the stove. I wrapped the tie of the robe a little tighter around my waist as I came upon Lucas and Reed seated in Emmett's kitchen as if nothing had changed and I was still living in Texas and everything was the same as it had once been, but that was the farthest thing from the truth.

I ran my hands over the sticky imprints that my heart monitor had left on my skin and shuddered as I remembered how close I'd been to death, even at such a young age, and it hadn't been from the risky situations that I'd been putting myself in.

I couldn't put my family or Emmett through what would happen if I really did become irreparable.

"Well well well, look what the cat dragged in", my brother announced and everyone's eyes turned my way.

An easy smile settled on my face as I looked over the small little family I'd grown so used to in the past.

"Just like old times," Reed noticed and I couldn't help but agree with him.

He spent the entirety of breakfast gushing over his new boyfriend and congratulating Emmett profusely on his success. This was our last day together before he had to be back on the football circuit and while I knew he still kept up with his workouts, it wasn't like he was dedicating almost all of his time to his career like he would need to do from that day on out.

I'd return to classes full time, work even harder on the case concerning Christian and things would go back to 'normal' once the doctors gave me medicine and told me just exactly what was wrong with me, which would happen the next day at my follow up appointment, but for a few moments I pretended everything was fine and there was nothing wrong with me while I conversed with Lucas and Reed.

"So why are you in town?"

Reed put his hand on his heart like he was offended at the question.

"You're not happy that I'm in town?"

I laughed at his misunderstanding even though I could tell that he was being sarcastic. He adjusted the glasses atop the bridge of his nose and the smell of coffee infiltrated my senses.

I gratefully accepted a cup of the steaming caffeinated goodness and took a greedy sip before I spoke again.

"Oh no, I'm not happy that you're in town at all," I said with sarcasm dripping from every word that fell out of my mouth.

We all laughed and joked around together and the familiarity that struck me almost made me melancholic from the memories that swirled around in my brain.

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