Chapter Nine (Part 2)

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I went out to the club Royal with Sofia after practice, even though my muscles were aching and begging me to stay in bed and rest

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I went out to the club Royal with Sofia after practice, even though my muscles were aching and begging me to stay in bed and rest. I got a ride in Sofia's car service so it was obvious who was pulling up when we arrived.

I was starting to question her motives for always trying to get our picture taken everywhere we went and remembered that she'd recently had a very high profile breakup with a certain singer that the public just couldn't get enough of, but ironically enough the guy looked like a young kid with forgettable features and a voice that was a few octaves too high. If he didn't have hit songs that reeled in the young girls like free designer clothing or makeup, then the appeal definitely would've been gone.

Sofia didn't mention his name the entire time we were together so I just let it roll off, but I was starting to realize that as the paparazzi kept asking questions about this other guy that maybe she was using me as her rebound.

That didn't really bother me as much as it should have, though, because in a way I was using her too.

I didn't really feel anything emotionally towards her, I was just passing the time until the ache in my chest put there by Lydia finally went away...if it ever did, that is.

I checked my surroundings and saw that we were close to my favorite breakfast joint, Daisy's Donuts, and a small Irish pub on the corner. I noticed a couple ducking into the bar just as the screaming reached a fever pitch from the photographers and people in line trying to get their fifteen minutes of fame by jumping in a picture with the two of us.

Before Sofia, I wasn't a household name. The only people who followed me and hounded me were from the ESPN network or NFL reporters who wanted an exclusive with the rookie on his way to his first Super Bowl win in his very first year.

But after being caught out with the Sofia Renault on the cover of almost every magazine in the world and the main topic of conversation on every gossip site on the internet, my name started becoming widely circulated.

I'd only had a few hundred thousand followers on Instagram after being drafted to the Patriots, but in the past forty eight hours, my following had increased by four million people. It was nothing compared to Sofia's one hundred ninety million followers, but still. It was getting ridiculous.

The bouncer didn't hesitate upon letting us inside and we went straight to the table waiting for us, some of the players already in attendance and I relaxed as the music washed over me. There were a few other people at the table that I hadn't met and I noticed one of my players pouring vodka down a few girl's throats and I winced at that image.

It wasn't long before everyone was partying harder than I'd ever seen, including Sofia, and I held myself back. I knew my family tradition with addiction so I just sipped on a small glass of whiskey and coke and declined any of the party drugs being handed to me and Sofia.

I was starting to get worried about the party girl, but I shook my head when I noticed her flash me a megawatt smile, her pupils far too dilated to be normal. I knew she'd done a few lines and threw back a couple shots already but it seemed like this was something that she did every weekend, so who was I to judge.

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