Chapter Seven (Part 2)

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A harsh slam into my left shoulder sent me careening into the turf, the collision sending shooting pains through my entire abdomen and finally landing in the residual pain that always throbbed below my left rib

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A harsh slam into my left shoulder sent me careening into the turf, the collision sending shooting pains through my entire abdomen and finally landing in the residual pain that always throbbed below my left rib. If I wasn't careful, I was going to have a bruised or broken rib and that didn't bode well for my chances of playing in our next game, which I needed to perform well in if I wanted any chance at more coverage.

The more coverage I received, the easier my chances would be when renegotiating my contract for the next season. I could get better endorsement deals, a better bonus and more money. I wasn't all about the money, but it did help when I thought of my career opportunities that came after a professional football career. Most guys got injured and never played again or got washed up, and I refused to be one of those players who'd be forgotten.

After practice, I laid in the ice bath for a solid hour and was scrolling through my phone when a call came through.

"Lucas? It's been a while, how you been?"

"I've been better. I'm moving up for MIT and I was going through my social media when I came across Amalia's profile, Lydia's best friend that she's living with up here? She's in a wheelchair now. Apparently she's paralyzed."

"What? Since when?"

"I have no idea. I tried messaging her but she basically told me to go fuck myself and then blocked me. Clearly they're fine up here, they're always posting pictures together and everything but what if something happened that they didn't tell us about? You'd think Lydia would at least tell her own family..."

"I stopped guessing what Lydia was capable of a long time ago, man. Don't take it too personal."

I rubbed my hands up and down my face as Lucas unloaded the rest of his family drama on me, and I didn't mind all that much as he was a pretty good friend to me even if he was a shitty brother to his sister. I didn't miss the insults he threw her way when they had their big fight before she finally moved away, but she wasn't without faults either. Clearly.

"Sorry man I didn't mean to drop all that on you, I know you and her were together or something..."

"It's all good, it feels like a long time ago," I lied, not wanting him to realize the depth in which Lydia scarred me. I also didn't want to tell him that if she weren't actively trying to ruin her own life, that I would have done anything to get her back, but I couldn't get someone back who didn't want to help themselves.

She must have realized that in my career I couldn't have had any scandals so early on and cut me loose before it cut too deep, but the damage was already done.

"Yeah, well, maybe I'll try and get back in touch since we're gonna be living in the same city again."

"Is Reed coming up too?"

"To visit, he just moved in with his new boyfriend."

"Good for him. Maybe I can fly us all out somewhere for Spring Break this year."

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