Chapter Thirty-Eight

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WARNING:  Sexually mature content.  Read at your own risk.

Ambient moonlight streamed through the large bay window in the living room as my eyes attempted to adjust to the dim atmosphere surrounding me

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Ambient moonlight streamed through the large bay window in the living room as my eyes attempted to adjust to the dim atmosphere surrounding me.

Emmett's body was my lifeline, a buoy in a raging tempestuous sea and his lips were the only safe boat in site.

My dress was torn off of me in a flurry of motion, my legs wrapped around Emmett's torso as if my life depended upon it. He hoisted me up against his waist and my back hit the wall, his lips trailing scorching fire up and down my neck.

When his lips met mine once again, shivers danced down my spine in anticipation of what was to come, but I wasn't scared of it. I had made my peace with everything that had happened that night, and although I wasn't quite ready to give up on my quest for vengeance, that need for justice had been satiated now that I knew Rafael wouldn't be able to hurt another woman again.

We had the evidence to put him behind bars once and for all, so I could finally toss my head back in ecstasy and bask in the afterglow of what we were about to do.

He took his slow, languid time with his hands, his fingertips tracing small and delicate patterns across my skin as his lips continued their torrential assault on my mouth.

We moved in synchronization against the wall and I could feel that he was more than ready underneath me, but he made no move to take this to the bedroom.

I gasped out when his teeth lightly nibbled that soft, sensitive spot underneath my ear, a wave of pulsing need shooting out from that spot and finding my center. I needed him in that moment, desperate for a release that I knew was awaiting the both of us.

I pulled back to glimpse into his eyes but he kept his intentions hidden, a cocky smirk plastered on his irresistibly gorgeous face.

He pushed off from the wall and carried me to my bedroom, shutting the door behind him with his foot. The sound closed us off from the rest of the world as I reached across his body to grab the hemline of his shirt.

When he was finally rid of his top, I drank in the sight of his sculpted abdomen, crafted from the long, arduous hours of practicing at the football field and in the gym.

He placed me down gently on the bed and all I could think about was ditching his pants next, but when I reached for his zipper he tapped my hand away.

I gaped up at him in confusion but he was hovering above me once more, his lips continuing their same path that started at the top of my neck and ended just above my belly button.

Each time he would start in the same position, but he would end lower and lower as the time wore on.

By the time he reached the hem of my panties I was sweating and panting, a frantic bubble of need and lust filled up within me that desperately needed to burst.

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