Chapter Twenty-Six

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It was everywhere

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It was everywhere. People were whispering about me in class and the entire time I just wished I could snatch the phones right out of their hands but I stayed silent, drowning myself in work as I prepared for finals and then I would finally be rid of their judgmental stares.

It was much harder to avoid Layla, however, as she was in one of my classes. Yay.

She walked up to me immediately after the final bell rang. Speak of the devil...

"Lydia! You didn't tell me you were already living with Emmett Scott. You think he'd be interested in what we read in your journal?"

My blood boiled. On the surface, however, I was cool as a cucumber.

"Layla. If you still have my journal, I would very much appreciate you returning it."

I spoke through gritted teeth, desperate to get my journal back but she simply pretended I hadn't spoken and picked at the bed of her nails as if what I had been saying was the most uninteresting thing she'd heard all day.

"What's your price?"

Finally, some recognition filtered through her features.

"Well, since you're asking. Ten thousand dollars."

My right eye twitched in annoyance. She didn't know it, but I could actually make that happen with three extra ad campaigns, which usually only took me about two days to write.

"I need proof that it's actually still in your possession and I'm not just giving you money for nothing. Also, I want any copies of it, if I know you and Nate well enough I know you'd have taken pictures of the pages."

"You drive a hard bargain. I'll talk to Nate and we'll see. Oh, and I'll send you a picture of it later tonight, just to prove we have it."

She threw me a malicious wink and strode away, all the while I was grounding my teeth in fury.

If she tried to release that journal to the press and said it was written by 'Emmett Scott's girlfriend', they would be all over it. My personal past would be splashed all over trashy gossip magazines and websites for all the world to see.

I couldn't let that happen.

I didn't even want my best friend to know about my past, let alone Emmett or the rest of the world!

I really needed a trip to my favorite psychiatrist.

And so that was exactly where I went...right before I made a little pit stop first.

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