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A shadow stood in front of him.

"Can I help you?" Lucca asked, pretending disinterest.

"By any chance, if you stop being friends with Malfoy... Are you going to stop being friends with me?" Gregory Goyle blurted and took Lucca out of guard. He raised an eyebrow, finally looking up from the Prophet. "I still need help with my homework... and Malfoy basically spits at my face when I ask a question."

"Er... sure," Lucca nodded, confused. "I guess..."

"You guess?"

"I mean yeah, why not?"

"Malfoy said you hate us now."

Lucca looked behind Greg, where Draco was using Vincent as his hideout, and rolled his eyes. No, Greg. Our fight has nothing to do with you. Tell him he is pathetic and his tie is crooked."

Gregory cracked a smile and Lucca returned his attention to the sport section. He thought he was going to have a peaceful time until dinner but Draco approached him, red in the face.

"I apologised tons of times!" he said. "What did I do wrong?"

"Your hair," Lucca shrugged and moved the newspaper up to his face, hiding behind it.

"Sallow, you are acting like a child. Be a man and tell me what –" Draco stopped himself, his eyes reading something on the paper Lucca was holding to avoid looking at him. A wicked smile formed his lips. "Give me that."

He seized the paper but Lucca was fast to hold it hard, soon both stopped fighting over it when Vincent took it away from them. As Draco and Lucca bickered all over again, ignoring the incredulous looks in the people around them, they didn't notice three Gryffindors coming near until Draco eye's met a ginger head and snatched the Daily Prophet out of Crabbe's hands.

"Weasley! Hey, Weasley!" Draco called and Lucca froze there, slowly turning around. Draco was standing between Goyle and Crabbe, the three of them covered Lucca perfectly. His stomach twisted in a funny way and he felt the urge to scratch his arms until they bleed.

"What?" snarled Ronald Weasley.

"Your dad's in the paper, Weasley!" Draco said loudly. "Listen to this!"

"What is happening here?" Daphne Greengrass asked Lucca, her hands gently stopping him from scratching his arm. He sighed, interlocking their fingers.

"Malfoy being a prat," Lucca said.

Lucca was about to leave. In other times, he would try to stop Draco but he didn't have the energy to deal with his best friend. Daphne stared at him oddly, not understanding why Lucca wasn't stopping it or at least trying to reason with Draco like he always does.

"And there's a picture, Weasley!" said Draco. "A picture of your parents outside their house – if you can call it a house! Your mother could do with losing a bit of weight, couldn't she?"

"Get stuffed, Malfoy," said Potter. "C'mon, Ron..."

"Oh yeah, you were staying with them this summer, weren't you, Potter?" Draco continued to pick on them. "So tell me, is his mother really that porky, or is it just the picture?"

"You know your mother, Malfoy?" said Potter while holding back Weasley. "That expression she's got, like she's got dung under her nose? Has she always looked like that, or was it just because you were with her?"

"Don't you dare insult my mother, Potter!"

"Keep your fat mouth shut, then," said Harry, turning away. Lucca walked closer when noticed Draco pulling out his wand.

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