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The first weekend of Hogsmeade takes place on the Saturday before the first task.

As part of his routine, Lucca goes to the Hospital Wing to get a Draught of Peace in case of emergencies. He never drinks them unless he feels too energetic, which happens when his nerves are all over the place and he can't control his anxiety and accidental magic.

Before he joins the rest of the students, Pomfrey makes him solve a Rubik's Cube. Lucca, surprised by himself, finishes it in less than five minutes.

"That's a new record," she exclaims. "Your memory clearly improved. Have you noticed?"

"I remember everything since I came to Hogwarts this year," Lucca says, feeling proud of himself. "But there are a lot of blank spaces in my mind, about my childhood and the previous years. Still can't focus much on my homework but I remember I have to do it and my fingers don't get tangled that much when I tie my shoes."

Poppy beams at him, her hands patting his back. "My dear, at this rate maybe you can break the curse."

Lucca hums absently. He doesn't remember exactly what the Healers said when he was at St. Mungos during the summer but judging the way his mother reacted it was bad. He knows that it is a matter of time the curse takes over his brain and he dies. Unless he fights it back and breaks it. Lucca doesn't want to illusion himself in breaking the curse. He grew so familiar with the idea of dying young that the idea of living past his twenty years never crossed his mind. Well, die young, or at least live as a permanent resident in a hospital.

"I will report this to Healer Kavanagh," Madam Pomfrey says, tapping her clipboard. "A few studies can see if someone else can break it or you can do it yourself."

"Which means...?"

"This will end sooner than expected."

Hearing Poppy excited opens a new door of possibilities. A new future ahead. Lucca pictures his life without a curse for the following year. He can imagine discovering his hidden intelligence or that he is a secret genius in some subjects, as Milan is in Transfiguration and Charms and Venice in Defence Against the Dark Arts and Potions. And maybe Lucca isn't as useless and stupid as everyone thinks.

Lucca still wants to discover why the Hat sorted him in Ravenclaw. It probably told him during his sorting but Lucca can't remember anything from that day. While his memory acts normally from the summer to this date, Lucca doesn't remember much from his childhood and first years in Hogwarts.

He can't remember much of his dreams. When he wakes up, he vaguely grasps onto blurred images and lazy ideas. A few loose strings are slowly connecting with sensations he has in his daily life and many times he caught himself daydreaming and confused by the difference of reality and dreams. In that aspect, Lucca didn't improve much. But he can't expect himself to run when he is just learning to walk again.

Madam Pomfrey dismisses him once she finishes filling up his report.

Lucca rushes to the entrance, finding Terry and Aurora waiting for him.

"Padma is with her sister and Lavender," says Terry walking between them. "You didn't ask her, did you?"

"Er, no, I didn't."

"I thought you fancied her?" Aurora says.

Lucca shrugs. "I do like Lavender a lot. Yes. But I don't know."

It isn't a lie. He thinks Lavender is amazing, she is close to being perfect for him. Lavender is funny, smart and beautiful. Many boys in their year began to notice her changes over the summer and it turns Lucca mad because why didn't they notice this earlier?

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