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Whatever that letter said, it wasn't good. The scowl in his mother's face and the surprise in his father's was a sign to leave the table. With a single look of their mother, the three grabbed their stuff and walked to their rooms, not very keen to be part of a fight.

"Do you think it was from school?" Lucca asked Venice, who was pressing a glass on the floor, trying to catch the conversation. "They didn't accept me, did they?"

"I'd know if you just shut it!" she hissed, waving him away. "Hush."

Milan, who was swinging her legs on the edge of the bed, shook her head and patted a place beside her bed.

"It wasn't an owl from school, they have a blue lace... This seemed to come from afar, it looked tired."

Venice hushed them again.

Milan ignored her and continued. "Do you think it is from Dad's family? He never talks about them –"

"Milan, shut up."

"I don't feel like it."

"You're so annoying! I'm trying to listen."

"Nosy, mind your business. It's an adult conversation," Milan argued, sticking out her tongue.

Lucca rolled his eyes, jumping down the bed and going to pick a comic. He could hear Milan and Venice fighting in the other room while he passed the pages and read quietly in his bedroom.

Lucca didn't care much about what was happening around him that time, he was too busy dreaming about his acceptance letter in Ductuscae to ask questions like his sisters. Maybe he should have paid more attention when the topic was brought to the table, his mother stiffing at the mention of it and his father nervously trying to escape. He ignored it completely and minded his own business.

When the news suddenly dropped at the beginning of the summer, Lucca was upset.

"But Mum, if I am not here to get my letter for school, how will they know I am attending next year?" Lucca asked when Francesca ordered him to pack his stuff for a long holiday in England. "I should stay here, you can send me pictures –"

"Lucca, you are coming," she said, going through his jackets and coats. "End of discussion."

Lucca felt his cheeks burned in anger. He didn't want to go to spend Christmas with his grandparents, not when his acceptance letter for Ductuscae was on the way. He and the Giordano twins, Alba and Paz, were supposed to receive their letters and send the confirmation of attendance. Then the three would go shopping for their supplies and books and everything was going to be perfect.

He opened his mouth to argue but a side look from his mother was enough to make him go silent. Francesca would not tolerate a tantrum at this age and he knew it perfectly.

Lucca walked closer to his wardrobe and helped to carry the winter clothes to his little trunk.

"Listen, Leoncito," she ran a hand through his hair, revealing his forehead. "I don't want you to raise your hopes up... Your father, he connected back with his family and this is important."


"Because they miss him. Wouldn't you miss me if you were gone for too long?" Francesca asked softly and Lucca opened his mouth, offended, how dare she ask such a question? Of course he would miss her! She's his mummy!

"I would miss you so much!"

"See? Well, I'd miss you too if you were gone for too long. That's why your grandparents contacted your father."

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