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Hi guys! This is Cam's other older sister Ashley. He also has a younger sister Sarah. Ashley does not much of a role but I thought it will be easier to visualize her if you all have a pic. Don't you guys think she is really pretty?! I do. Hope I look like her when I grow up! 


"What about red? Or something crazier?" Cam asked. "Come to this aisle guys!" Scar shouted. She picked up a can of electric blue hair spray and threw it to Al. "Ooh! This is nice! But I think we should all have different colours?" Cam interjected "Yeah, so I found more colours that we can use." Scar picked up a deep blue, light lavender, blood red, flaming orange and puke green. "How are these?" Scar asked. "I like it but I'm not using the green." Ila replied "Yeah neither am I" Mel laughed. "I'll use it. What! I like that colour." James replied to the funny stares he got from his friends. "Yass! Let's go guys!" Ila said. They billed the hair spray bottles and left for Al's house

They opened the front door and ran up to Al's room with Scar in the lead. SMACK! She ran smack into Al's brother Noah. "Woah! Watch it kiddo." Noah laughed. Scar clenched her fists. Noah knew that she hated being called kiddo. "Oh, sorry not sorry Nono." She retorted knowing that he hated the name his ex-girlfriend the HBIC gave him, even more she hated 'kiddo'. All her friends laughed at her retort. "Ugh! Can we have a truce and you just go up to Al's room?" Noah huffed. Scartapped her chin, acting like she was deep in thought and replied laughingly "Umm...I don't think so Noah. Sorry!" she ran up the stairs to Al's room and screamed "THIS CALLS FOR A PRANKWAR!" and shut the door behind her friends. They all burst out laughing and Ilasaid, "The 4th annual prank wars have begun!"

"They have but before that.... we dye our hair!!!" "We should dye our hair at different times though. So, we don't mess the bathroom up." James replied. "So, who is going first?" Mel asked. "I will." Cam said excitedly. "Ok. Sure, which colour do you want bro?" Al asked. "I'll take the electric blue one." Cam picked out. "Do you know how to do it?" James questioned. "I do. You do remember that my sis works in a hair salon, right? And she taught how to do it." "Oh yeah! Ok. So, show us." Al replied. "Ok. Get a bowl, gloves, a towel and a small bottle." Once Cam got all he needed, he demonstrated to his friends how to dye their hair. Once they finished and their hair was dry, they creeped downstairs and "Boo!" they screamed. "His mothers dropped the ladle in surprise and screamed "Aaagh!" They shook in suppressed laughter. "Alexander Zacharias Drew! Don't you dare do that to me again" she screamed. But everyone saw the smile tugging at her lips. The smile left suddenly as she saw Al's hair. She asked, "What in the world happened to your hair!?" Al laughed nervously and answered "Umm... Well mom. We found a bucket list on the street day before yesterday and the first thing on the list was to dye our hair, So, we all did it?" 


Hey guys! Hope you liked it so far. Sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger. What do you all think of Al's full name? I am seriously in love with the character of Noah. I mean who cant be right? Maybe Ashley will come in the story somewhere. No promises though. :) I will be adding a word count at the end of each chap coz why not.


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