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Hey! So those are the jerseys I think they wear. hehe 😅 If you find any basketball mistakes it mainly because even after research I'm not able to understand the way American basketball works. sorry! 


Ila flopped down on Mel's king bed next to in the middle of James and Scar, with Mel and Cam next to Scar. "Where's Al? He's missing out on the game." Ila asked. "Oh, he's downstairs getting Mel's secret stash of candy." Cam replied. "Yo! I got the candy. Did you start watching the game without me?" Al whined. "Chill ma man! We didn't." James said patting the empty space next to him. The weight shifted on the bed as Al sat down. "Who's playing again?" James asked. "Are you kidding me Al! you asked me this 20 minutes ago. Ugh! It's this Boston Celtics and the Los Angeles Lakers." Cam replied exasperatedly. 

James laughed nervously "Sorry ma man! I ain't no sport-a-holic." Cam pouted like a kid "Aww! Sho shweet!" Mel said pinching his cheek. "Nope" Cam replied swatting her hand away. A smile tugged at Cam's lips and everyone knew that he wasn't really mad. "Whoo! Go Lakers!" James cried, throwing popcorn into his mouth. "I'm proud of you my child. You are learning from me." Cam said proudly, "Why??" James asked confused. "You are cheering for the correct team!" Cam stated in a 'duh' tone. They all burst out laughing while James shook his head in amusement. "And we have the Lakers coming on the cou-!" "Hush everyone! The game started." Scar shushed. "Avery Bradley! Rajon Rondo! Quinn Cook! Alex Caruso! And Danny Green! And the subs are K. Caldwell- Pope and Troy Daniels!" All of them cheered and the announcer started calling out the Boston Celtics "Kemba Walke-" but his voice was drowned out by the booing of the 'six musketeers'. 

The referee blew the whistle indicating the start of the game. The Boston Celtics did a simple lay-up and scored a point for the team. Cam grabbed a handful of popcorn and threw it on the TV screen screaming "No! Come on Lakers! Win!!!" Ila looked at him like he was crazy, he shrugged and gave her a handful of popcorn to throw as well. She chuckled and threw it saying "You Celtics suck! Go Lakers!"


The candy wrapper crinkled under Mel's knee. "Ugh. What is that?" she moaned rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. "Shut up Mel." Ila said groggily still half-asleep. Mel picked the alarm clock up and "Oh shit! Guys wake up! Its 11 already!" "What!" Al cried snapping his head up "Ow!" he said rubbing his neck "Its 11 in the morning!" Mel repeated. "Guys! Guys! Wake up!" She said hitting everyone on the small of their back, knowing they will wake up due to the pain. "What is your problem? Can't a guy sleep peacefully here?" Cam snapped. "Shut up! Do you know the time!" She retorted. "What's the time?" Cam asked softly. "It's 11 you idiot! Get up!" "Wait! 11! Oh gosh! I have soccer practice in 20 minutes." Cam panicked, trying to get and squishing his still sleeping friends in the process. "Yikes! You are seriously heavy Cameron!" Ila cried "Ok goodnight." Going back to her drowsy stupor. Mel giggled then realized what she had to do. An evil smirk replaced the smile on her face. She crept into her older sisters' room and said "Hey Abby. I need your airhorn." "Is it for what I think it is?" Abby asked. Mel nodded and, caught the airhorn that her sister threw at her. Mel flashed thumbs up sign to her sister and went back into her room, not caring if she made noise. Phlaaaaaaaaarp!! The air horn rang jerking Ila, Scar andJames back from sleep into reality. "What! I was having an amazing dream!" Jamescried. "Yeah continue it at night." Mel replied. "Sorry what?! At night. I thought it was night! Huh!" Scar interjected confusion etched upon her face.

"Yup. It is 11 in the morning my friends." Mel announced. "Ooh no! No! No! No! I was supposed to meet my mom at the mall in 10! Look at my clothes and my hair. The one time she calls me somewhere I look like bird crap! Ugh." Scar started ranting worriedly. "Chillax! You have two amazing friends right to help you out!" Ila announced. "Well, I have to go too. My cousins are coming over for the day. So toodles my friends." James cut in hugging the girls while saying "You boys coming?" Both the boys nodded waving to the girls and running out the door.


Hey guys and gals! I'm sorry if i have made any mistakes in the basketball section of the chap. its coz i dont anything about American players and teams. How do you think Scarlett's date with her mom is gonna go?? What is she gonna wear? What will Cameron's coach do to him? How will James cousins behave? To find the next chapter! and the ones coming along!

Btw this is an airhorn for those who don't know 👇👇

Btw this is an airhorn for those who don't know 👇👇

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