First day, first fight

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I had my first lesson with Jasper, so made our way to the history room.

When we came in almost everyone was already there. I went to the teacher as Jasper sat down in the back with a pout, as he had to let me go.

" mist be miss Avry. I am Mr. Candon, welcome to Forks. Why don't you interduce yourself to the class" a friendly old man said.

I turned to the class.

"Hello my name is Silver Avry and I am 17. I just moved here from Texas"

"Thank you, you can sit down beside Mr. Hale in the back" Mr. Candon said.

I nodded and sat down beside Jasper. We put an arm around me and I leaned my head on his shoulders.

Ironicly we were talking about the Civil War, which both Jasper and I participated in. I was responsible fir training the newbies.

After a few long lessons we walked to the canteen, were we met Emmett and Rose at the door.

When we walked in everybody stared at us, which was kinda getting on my nerves.

A brunette girl looked at us very intensly and Blake noticed my look.

"That is Isabella Swan. She is Edward's bloodsinger and she loves stalking us"

When Blake mentioned bloodsinger my eyes went large. It was very rare, that a bloodsinger wasn't killed. Edward must really have good contol, although he sounds quite idiotic from what I heard. Not to mention the fact, that he clearly has never heard of privacy.

While we were 'eating', Alice had a vision regarding Edward comming back today.

At the cullen house I smelt a new scent and we all got out of the car to greet Edward.

When we were all in the livingroom I saw an average sized male with bronze hair.

He turned to me and his face showed surprise. Then he noticed Jaspers hand in mine and he smiled.

"Hello I am Edward Cullen. You must be Silver" he said with a smile.

"How'd ya do?" My southern accent came out nore then I intended it too.

Alice tackeled Edward in a hug and Emmett gave him a manly hug. Which looked like a bear hugging a confused squirrel.

Edwards head turned to me and he gave me a confused look.

Right, damm mind reader.

"So.... I am anyone up for a fight" came Emmetts winy voice after a while.

"Oh your dead baby vamp" is all I said.

He smirked and kracked his knuckels.

"Oh yeah? Let's bet if you can beat me in less then a minute I have to do what ever you say for a week"

"Ya got yourself a deal" with that we went outside.

"Carleful Emmett, she taught me how to fight amd she can almost always beat me" Jasper said.

He waved him off and we went into fighting stance.

Emmett ran and wanted to grab me but I skidded under him, grabed him shoulders from the back, rammed him on the floor and then put my hand round his neck symbolizing I could tear his head off.

This whole thing only took about 25 seconds and that meant I had won.

"So baby vamp. This week is going to be so fun"

A ghost from the past (Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now