A talk

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The next day I was going to talk to my parents.

They were waiting for me in their chambers and Demitri said they were quite nervous.

I stood infront of the room, debating whether to knock or just leave again, when the dopr opened and Marcus looked at me.

"Please, come in" he said in a smoth voice, stepping to the side so I could enter.

There was a sitting area infront of me and Dydime was sitting on one of the couches.

When she saw me her face lit up and she gave me a heartwarming smile.

"Thank you for comming. Do sit down, would you like some blood. I'm afraid we didn't know your favourite type so we got a bit of all" she quickly said.

I sat down oppsite of them and finally spoke

"Ehmm..O+ please"

Marcus smiled and handed me a glass filled with blood.

I drank a sip, loving the feeling of it running down my tongue.

"I was a little surprised when we heard you didn't drink animal blood like the rest of your coven. How come?" Marcus asked.

"My gift gets out of control if I don't drink human blood, as I am stronger with it. I almost destroyed a brigde when I was on an animal diet"

He nodded, never losing the smile on his face and the look of interest.

"I am sure you have a lot of questions. And we will do our best to answer them all...but please give us a chance, we have lost you before and can't bare  to lose you again" Dydime said with a sad face.

"Why did you name me Saphire?"

"When you were born you had these bright blue eyes, like two saphires. We thaught it fit" she said.

"I saw someone behead you, how come your still alive?"

"They did behead Dydime but they never had the chance to burn her...her head was simply attached again"

"I have a question if I may...they boy, Jasper, he is your mate correct" Dydime asked. I nodded "are you two married yet? I have nothing against it but I simply wanted to know".

"No, we are not married yet. It was just never really the right time. First Maria then the story with Bella. When we finally thaught about it, Edward became suicidal and we came her to save him" I explained.

"Do you think you could see us as your parents one day?" Marcus asked suddenly.

The question caught me compleatly off guard.

Their ruby eyes were foccused on me and held hope in them.

"I don't know. I know how important family is..maybe because I never had one, but I don't know yet. Before yesterday I didn't even know my parent were alive, let alone vampire royalty" I said truthfully.

They nodded understandingly.

"So how will this work. I will not stay without Jasper and he still has a family and coven. He also can't just vanish from Forks, people will ask questions"

"We understand that you don't want to leave your mate. Perhaps you could stay here for a while, then you can still decide if you want to move back to the Cullens" Marcus asked with hope lacing his voice.

"I'll ask Jazz later" I said

We spent the next few hours talking about everything we could think of. It was very nice and I loved the feeling of maybe having a family. Not Jazz or his Family. But a parents of my own

You will never truly understand how lonely you are, until someone takes you by the hand and shows you how alone you were.

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A ghost from the past (Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now