An incident

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After I managed to pry Jasoer off me we left for school.

Jasper was still sulking as he 'wasn't finished' yet.

When we pulled up all eyes were on us again.

Edward stared at Bella of course and the others were having a quiet conversation while walking to our first lesson.

I was standing in the hall, Jasper was getting his books out of his locker a few meters away from me, as a blonde guy stepped up to me.

"Hey my name is Matt. Your the new kid right. Well I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me maybe. It would also be a reason to dump that boyfriend of yours, or whatever you wanna call the Hale guy. His family is wierd anyway and so is he-" Matt was interrupted by a loud growl from Jasper, who glared at the arm Matt put around me.

"Take your arm of my girl before I reconstrukt every bone in your body" he snarled.

His eyes were pitch black and his voice was venemous. I could see he wes battleing for control with the Major.

Matt paled when he saw Jasper like this and removed his arm from me, stepping back.

Jasper grabbed him by his neck and pressed him against the lockers, cutting his ari supply.

"If I ever see you near my girl again, I will take you apart so not even the police could identify you. Is that clear? You won't look at her, you won't talk to her and you sure as fuck won't touch her, if you want to be able to life normaly, or at all" he spat out.

Matt was trying to pry his hands off of him but he wasn't even close to being strong enough.

"Hey Jazz, let him go, he isn't worth it, lets go" I said in a soothing voice.

"What's going on here? Mr. Hale let Mr. Thomson go at once and yiu two go to the pricipals office" shoutet Mr. Molina.

"Mr. Hale" he repeated.

Jasper let Matt go and he fell to the ground. Matt looked like he was about to have a heard attak and there were quite a few students surounding us.

It was very unusuall to see Jasper or any other Cullen or Hale talking to the other students, even more attacking them.

He grabbed my hand and stormed off towards the principals office.

"How dare that boy touch what is mine. I should go back and tear his head off" Jasoer spat, but it wasn't Jasper anymore. His eyes were black with a hint of red. This was the Major.

"No Major that is a bad idea. Why don't you calm down and then we can go and talk to the principal" I suggested lightly.

The Major snarled and applyed more pressure. Now I could have fought  him off but having an angry vampire in a school full of humans, is not a good idea, so I went for the next best thing. If there is anything the Major hates more then people touchung me is me being hurt. Especially if he is the reason for it.

"Major your hurting me" I said in a low voice as my wrist began to crack.

He emidiatly released it and looked line a deer cought in headlights.

"No, darlin'. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was angry and didn't notice. No, no, no" he almost wimpered, stroking my wrist stareing at the small cracks that were already healing. He kissed them and looked at me like a kicked puppy.

"It's okay Maj' . Calm down shh" I stroked his hair softly, his arms wrapped firmly around me.

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A ghost from the past (Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now