Chapter -7

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"Why did you come here?" He asked once our hearts calmed and breathes slowed down.
"Because we made a deal, didn't we?" I knew what he meant, I just wanted some time to build up an excuse. It's an old habit I can't seem to get rid of. I'm one of those people who hate talking live and love texting.

 He turned away from me and sighed. "You know what I mean, don't make me explain it."
I stayed quiet, contemplating on how much to tell.
"I wanted to get away. I hadn't thought about where I want to go, but this seemed a nice choice."
"So you came here, all by yourself?" He asked, amusement and surprise laced with his voice.
"I told you I ran away, I didn't plan it."
"Is it now? Why are you here?"
My question took him by surprise, that I could tell. He seemed to be calculating the answer, until he blurted out" I needed to run too. I didn't plan it either."

"Well we are typical then". I smiled as he looked at me. It was the most we had talked about ourselves in the last few hours. I never thought I would trust someone so much, without knowing one bit about him. I didn't feel the need to. I didn't feel the need to know why he didn't like his home and why he was here. I felt content at the fact that we were here and were having the time of our lives.  At that moment nothing mattered. It was just me and him and our heaven.

"River rafting. We are going for river rafting!" He yelled in my ear. For the first time ever I allowed myself to be this angry. It was the seventeenth time I heard that and the seventeenth time I politely refused.
"Over my dead body! We are going for wall climbing and that's it!" I yelled back in his ear.
It had been fifteen minutes and our next move lay undecided. We were attracting much more attention than we should, considering that we basically were trespassing.
"Are you insane!? We just skied. It's only fair we climb a wall." He looked at me and continued to look for a while. 
"Do you hear yourself or is it just me.", with a voice way more stressed and low than usual. However, he shouted the next part in my ear. "You don't make any sense."
"I don't care. We are climbing that freaking wall."

"We are going for river rafting and that's final. I can't climb a wall, I'm tired."
"But you can row a boat?"
He stopped talking and took a moment to think about something, hopefully logic.

"I don't care, we are river rafting. There should be a pattern! Ice, water and air.", where he hit his head when he was a child, I don't know.
"I don't care about your pattern. I'm not going to drench myself wet in this much cold, again!" I shouted. Well, at least we had made progress. When a while ago we were pretending that we aren't bothered by wet clothes, at least now we admitted to our discomforts.

We were cut off by a man, in his forties, with his bloodshot eyes which could come out any moment. Obviously, we stopped our banter and looked at him sheepishly. We dared not speak a word until he left.

"Okay, I'm being the sensible one right now. How about we compromise?" He asked, the words almost aching his throat while coming out.

"What kinda compromise?" I asked with my scowl still intact.

"Well, let's choose a third item, one we could do together." His eyebrows were furrowed close and his face was a lot more thoughtful.

"We can't go for our respective interests?" I asked. I needed to put the obvious compromise upfront.
He was surprised, almost shocked when he replied.

"Depends. Do you want to?" I could see his eyes twitch, I knew he was nervous.

"Let's find out a common deal"

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