Chapter- 9

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It was 8 in the evening. We had had our dinner with the crew and I could not help but feel excited at the thought of fooling these people so well. It wasn't exactly the very right thing to do, and contrary to feeling sad, I felt the thrill again. And for once, I wasn't sorry. The very nice people there, offered us food and we ate until we were full. But one doesn't waste much time on things like social interaction when he has only one day to live. We didn't either. As soon as we had eaten enough, we escaped. It was dark outside and we were tired. We didn't know if we would be given place to sleep there or not, I don't think any of us thought about it. We had our dinner in a hall good enough to fit 30 people, and there was nothing surrounding it, just open ground.

We came back from our adventurous trip after bungee jumping. We were bound to follow the crew, we had nowhere else to go. So instead of trying something else, we followed them into the place. And now we were out, under the open sky again.

We sat there on grass, a million or more stars above our head. And we stayed. Some would think it's stupid to have wasted our limited time on something as unadventurous as, well, sitting. There, at the most peace I've been, I realized I didn't need to always have adrenaline flowing through my veins every time I wanted to live. I realized that adventures do mean a lot to me, but I also knew that I couldn't have them each day of my life. And I knew I wouldn't be needing them. Everyday I'm happy would be an adventure just fine. And every time I would beat death and choose life, that would be a near death experience too. Even if I got a hundred more days like this, I would still be sitting here, gazing at the million stars, sitting.

I could have been a bit more lost than I thought I was, because the next time I look beside me, he was asleep. The best part was, his smile that refused to leave his face. And so I let him sleep, while I enjoyed being alone, because I knew that's the only way one lives in the world.

There was noise somewhere. I didn't know where, I stirred trying to block it out, but it wouldn't go. And then I had someone waking me up, from deep slumber I was in.

He shushed me as soon as I opened my eyes and pointed towards the hall we had been. There were more people there than necessary, and we didn't think anything before standing up and running as silently as we could, towards any escape we could find. And we kept running. I waited for the regret to come creeping in. I kept waiting.

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