Chapter 3

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Legolas bursts through the doors to his chambers, slamming them shut behind him.

Marriage... This can't be happening. I cannot marry simply for the kingdoms sake. I can only marry for love, and I know my heart isn't set on princess Velayah... It's set on Tauriel.

Legolas lays down on his bed, his mind clouded in thoughts and worries. He rolls over on his side, closing his eyes in hopes that the news his father gave him was just a dream.


Tauriel slips on her leather boots and slings her bow and quiver over her shoulder. She was looking forward to a day of hunting with Legolas. Today was the day she wanted to tell him the thing she's wanted to share with him since the day they met. She intends to confess her love for the prince. She walks through the halls of the castle, making her way to the forest to meet Legolas.

The familiar, deep voice causes her to turn around only to be in the presence of asking Thranduil.

"King Thranduil, greetings."
She nods her head in respect, then looks back up to meet his stare. "How may I be of service to you?" Tauriel questions, holding the bow string fastened across her chest.

"I'm assuming you are on your way to see my son, so tell him princess Velayah will be arriving soon." Thranduil nods, leaving Tauriel in the hall.

Princess Velayah? What is she doing here?

"Legolas?" Tauriel calls out as she runs across the leaf infested forest floor.


She turns to face him with a smile, for she couldn't wait to finally tell him everything. "Legolas! I-"

"My father has arranged a marriage for me and princess Velayah..." He whispers.

Just like that. The words came out as fast as it took to break her heart. The smile set across her face immediately vanished once Legolas told her.

"Oh... That's- I'm happy for you and..." She trails off in her sentence, unable to finish it. She blinks away the tears surfacing in her eyes, then forces a fake smile.
"I- I have to go."

"Tauriel, wait." Legolas takes a step forward to comfort her, but Tauriel takes a step back, refusing his touch.
"Oh... And your father to tell me that she's here... Your soon to be wife." Tauriel mutters, then turns around and disappears into the surrounding trees, leaving Legolas to his thoughts.

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