prologue ;

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" Happy Birthday, chérie. "

A man who aged around 29 years old come towards a girl with cake on his hands. There are 9 sticks of pink candles on the chocolate flavoured cake.

" Oh my,my! Our Rachel is officially 9 years old today. "

A woman speaks and smile to the girl. She quickly take a seat beside the girl and give her a mother hug.

" I know, right! My god daughter is getting old and prettier of course. Feels just like yesterday I hold her tiny body in my arm. "

Said a man with rectangle spec and messy raven hair. He is about to take a seat on a blue comfy sofa when a woman with red hair hug him from behind and give him a kiss on his left cheek. She turns her attention towards the birthday girl who is looking at them with bright smile.

" Look at her! Shining like a sunflower in that dress. "

" Come on. You and your flower reference. When will it ends? "

" Oh, shut up! We are not going to fight for this topic once again on this special day, toe-rag. "

The man is about to argue with her but thank God, a girl who is one year older than the birthday girl come and stopping them from fighting for how many times, they can't even count.

" For Merlin's sake! Aunt Rose and Uncle Harold! It is Rachel's birthday today and it is supposed to be free-fighting day. "

And that is how, Hye Yoon Park, the girl who scold her aunt and uncle from fighting and make them shut up. But that doesn't mean she can stop the married couple giving each other death glares.

Rachel only smile and laugh. She is used at how her adoptive family fighting and reconciling.

Rachel Ivory Park. That is her full name. She was told by her adoptive father, Joo Hyuk Park that her parents were killed when she was 1 year old. Her parents were bestfriend with her foster family, along with Aunt Rose and Uncle Harold. This married couple is not related with her adoptive father by blood but they have a really close bond that made them become a part of Park's family.

However, Rachel never care about them being her adoptive family. She never brought up the topic about her biological parents to them after Joo Hyuk told her the truth. Instead, she is grateful because her adoptive parents is something she cannot get as easy as she want. They are kind and loving. Therefore, Rachel always thought this. They are not her adoptive family. They are hers real family. By blood or not. That will never matter.

" Well, what are you waiting for, Rachel? Make a wish and blow the candles. "

Said Rachel's older sister, Yeri Park , who sit not far away from them.

So, Rachel close her eyes and make a wish. 5 seconds later, she open her eyes and blow the candles. She stares at the cake and hope that her wish will come true, even though she know, it will never happen.

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