chapter 2 ;

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" Father, are you sure this is where I will live?"

Rachel ask his father as she cannot brain the reason why would her father chose this house, this place out of anywhere.

His father nod his head and this makes Rachel frowns.

" But, don't you say that my existence should not be known by anyone before I enter Hogwarts? "

" Yes, I did say that but it seems like there are few changes that your sisters and I want to make. But no worries there, Rachel, the changes are for the better. "

With that, Rachel just nod her head and smile a little. She trust them, even if she don't know what her father and sisters are planning.

Joohyuk looks at his youngest daughter. A smile made to his face as the memory plays clearly in his mind. Rachel. His chèrie. Rachel Ivory Park. She is the only hope for them to make a better future for Hogwarts. No doubt for that. But if you seek deeper, Joohyuk do not send his daughter for that. He knew, even if he don't send her, the wizarding world will still be saved from the darkness.

He send her because Rachel Ivory Park, is the only hope for herself and her soulmate to make a better life for themselves.

Snapping himself from his thought, he hurry his children into the house.

The moment they enter the house, they are greeted by a house-elf. Yeri, Hye Yoon and Rachel look at each other, confusedly.

How in the world they have a house-elf ?!

" Mister Park! I is very happy to meet you again! "

Joo Hyuk chuckle and gives the house-elf a fond smile.

" Well, hello to you too, Softie. I am happy to see you too. Anyway, these three are my daughters. Meet Yeri, Hye Yoon and Rachel."

Their father said as he points at them while saying their name.

The house-elf, Softie, squeal and claps her hand, showing how excited she is meeting her master's daughters.

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