announcement section ;

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This part is here specially for any announcement that I will make. I dont like put any warning or announcement at the start or the end of my story so I will just put it here.

May you enjoy this story ! ♡‿♡


[ 28 FEBRUARY 2021 ]

hello everyone. as you know, i haven't been able to update this story and my second story due to my hectic schedule. Therefore, I decided to be honest with you guys that I am not able to update any story until June. This is because my college prepone our final exam from the middle of June to the first week of May. Due to this decision, my study schedule are two times packed . We have to start our class as early as on 7 am and end it on 4:30 p.m then we will proceed with our night class, which new to us, also we will have Saturday class, from 7 am till 1 pm and if it necessarry, we will have night class to from 7pm till 9pm. The conclusion is, we only have Sunday as a day off but it is not day off as we have to finish whatever homework on that day. So, I decided to take a break from Wattpad and C.A & S.GW to focus on my studies. Thank you for 7k on Circulus Amoris and I promise you when I come back, there will be new chapters come out. Stay safe and stay healthy. You are matter and you are rare. It is okay to not be okay. But remember, you have to get up and show to everyone how strong you are, how unique you are and how rare you are. Never let words from someone you dont seek advice to affect you. Life is unfair luvies but we are not here to make it fair, we are here to prove that no matter how unfair it is, we can survived and there would be happiness between those suffer. Love all of you :).

Much love,

[ 25 JANUARY 2021 ]

hello luvies. I know it is late but Happy New Year to all of you :). Now, i know i know, i havent update for so long and i did promise to update it once I back again on Wattpad. However, it is not went well as i thought. First of all, if you think you cannot imagine having only 4 days of semester holiday before moving on to a new semester, well, you can ask my college :). Those 4 days, trust me, I was so busy. Like, before the holiday , it was exam period. My study area was messy, my dorm got dusty and I had to do laundry. Then, I need to have my "me time" after days of only having 2-4 hours sleep. Just like that, my semester break end last 2 weeks and I am already on second week of my second semester. I was thinking to update this story this week but let me show you my normally daily things to do.

 I was thinking to update this story this week but let me show you my normally daily things to do

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yupp, that is how my usual things to do looks like. You can see , the day before today, I was editing two chapters of two story and it has not done yet. Therefore, I hope you guys understand why I could not updating this story and S.G.W yet. Anyway, thank you for supporting C.A and love you guys. Have a nice day !

Much love,

[ 02 DECEMBER 2020 ]

Hello. Rara here. Chapter 4 is uploaded. Finally. Sorry for the lateness. Anyway,

Thank you for the comments and votes. May all of you have a nice day today, tomorrow and onwards. Also, don't forget to wear mask and sanitize your hands. Please take care of your health. Love you !

Much love,


hello readers ! :) it's been a pretty long time since i updated the second chapter. i have my own reasons for the lack of updates actually however i still feel guilty for it.
A lot have happens in my life since i last update this story.

First of all, i retake my driving test and thank god, i finally passed it and i got my license last week.

Secondly, i am doing my preparations to enter sixth form college. I will go to my college on August and at this moment, my documents are all done signed and what left are my clothes and my everyday essentials.

And because I am so busy with the preparations, I lose my motivation to write and update which is explain why it is been a long time since I updated the story. But no worries, the new update will coming around this week.

Thank you everyone for your time to read this announcement and this story, vote the chapters and put this story at your reading list. These little gestures mean a lot to me.

Take care of yourselves and pls stay healthy.

Much loves,

[ 12 AUGUST 2020 ]

hello again, luvies! ( it is you, readers, nickname from now on ;) ) . I am sorry for not updating for a quiet long time. As I have mention before, I was preparing myself to enter my sixth form college and I am at the college right now. Today marks a week i have been here . I already got my school schedule and i have to say, it is pretty hectic. So, I want to say that the updates for this book is going to be REALLY SLOW. I am sorry if it makes you guys unhappy but I have to say this since I really dont have a lot of time to write, edit and publish the chapters all at the same time. I have seen some of you guys read and put this book in your reading list. I am thanking you guys A LOT for giving this book a support. May you guys have a nice day today, tomorrow and onwards. Please take care of your health and I love all of you.
Thank you, luvies!

Much love,

[ 10 OCTOBER 2020 ]

hello luvies! as all of you know, it has been over a month since my last update on C.A . I have been extra busy with my college and classes. You know, with all the lab report, tutorial questions and homework. Fortunately, we are having our mid-term break for one week starting from today. So, the next update of C.A probably will come out next week. I cannot promise what day will it be as I haven't write the draft yet. Anyway, thank you for those who have read C.A and put it in your reading list. Thank you for the comments and votes. May all of you have a nice day today, tomorrow and onwards. Also, don't forget to wear mask and sanitize your hands. Please take care of your health. Love you !

Much love,

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