little peek-a-boo of the story

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Have you wonder how JK Rowling can create such creative story like Harry Potter ? Unless the story of Harry Potter is actually true and based on real life. Not to mention, JK Rowling is actually Rita Skeeter.

If it is wrong, then isn't it weird to read and watch how Harry Potter and the gang fight Voldermort without forming a proper army ? The Order of Phoenix could fight them with gathering every magical things at their world, such as werewolves, mermaid, dragon and centaurs. Instead, the Battle of Hogwarts only involved wizards and witches.

Unless, the Harry Potter stories that we have grew up with were actually manipulated and made some details of wizarding world covered from muggles to know.

in which
the boy who lived,
Harry James Potter
is in love with his bestfriend
Rachel Ivory Park
the unknown secret weapon


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