chapter 1 ;

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Rachel open her eyes. Her surrounding looks weird. There are no modern equipment. There are no any photo hanging on the walls. The house that once full with furniture and colours now looks really empty and a little bit sorrow.

" Well, let's go. "

Joo Hyuk takes the silver chain off from his daughter's and his neck. He put the time turner inside his bag and grab two trunks beside him. Yeri and her sisters follow their father footsteps and step out from the house.

Their cottage house still surrounded with a lot of trees, except this time, the trees looks greener and some outgrown bushes grow around the fence. Oh, did I mention that their house is in a forest ? Or should I say, in the Forbidden Forest.

The story behind Park's cottage house in the Forbidden Forest is known by all of his family members and it is a really fascinating story.

But, another story for another day I guess.

Joo Hyuk lead his children walking towards gate. They follow the road path which seems build specifically to show them a right way to go outside and come home . They walk until Joo Hyuk decides to stop.

Rachel observes her surrounding. They are currently standing in a circle that is probably drawn on the ground. Rachel nudge Hye Yoon at her waist and raise her eyebrow, giving her a sign of what is their father doing. Hye Yoon just shook her head, stating she also don't know what is going on.

Joo Hyuk turns his head facing his daughters.

" Yeri, Yoonie and Chell, hold my hands. We will apparate to our house from here. Make sure you grab your stuff tightly. "

After hearing what their father said, their mouth slightly open. They are parkshook.

" But father, you can make a portkey for us right? We don't want feel those nau-freaking-sea feeling for Rowena sake. "

Hye Yoon complain to his father.

They never apparate, not even in the future. But whatever they read about apparition in Harry Potter books and whatever they listen from Uncle Harold about it convince them that it is a really bad way of going to certain place.

" I assume three of you also read and listen that the nausea feeling only happen for the first and second or probably third times of apparate. Now, we have to go or you will not get a lot of time to rest. "

With that, they hesitantly reach their father's hand. Their other hand grab their stuff tightly, afraid it will left out. Joo Hyuk smirk a little seeing his daughters expression and then close his eyes, focusing on the place he wants to go.

As they feel a feeling of being suck into a tube, Yeri, Hye Yoon and Rachel close their eyes and pray.

Yeri is praying to Merlin, Hye Yoon is praying to Rowena and Rachel is praying to Poseidon.

Well, Rachel did read the Percy Jackson and the Olympians books while she in the future. Secretly actually. While learning and studying about her own world, their wizarding world, she is really bored and there were days where she is not motivated to start her day. So one day, when their parents going outside to have a walk, she sneaked out to a bookstore to find some interesting books and that was how she got herself a full book series of Percy Jackson and the Olympians. She never mentioned it to her parents as she afraid that they will think she is distracted from her mission because of the books and snatch it from her.

Once the feeling of being suck into a tube gone, it replace with the nausea feeling. Hye Yoon is the first one to throw up, follow by her sister, Yeri meanwhile Rachel drop her knees on the ground, trying to gain her focus on her breathing to prevent herself from throwing up.

Urgh, that is not a very welcoming "welcome home" to them.

Their father chuckle seeing his daughters in those conditions. It reminds him of his first apparition during his teenage days.

Joo Hyuk tear his eyes from his daughters and look into their new house.

" Welcome to your new home, chérie. What a good sight, isn't? " said Joo Hyuk.

Three of them lift their head up as they finish doing their "business".

The house looks familiar to them. Yeri start looking to their new surrounding. Something click into her mind but she needs to find at least one sign to prove her theory is right. With that, she start scanning every inch of their new home sight until she find a sign. A sign that shows their new home address.

She tap Rachel's shoulder and do it to Hye Yoon too. Both of them look at Yeri and ask her " What is it? " .

Yeri lift her right hand and show them their new house address. Both of them turn their head to a direction that Yeri point  and read it. Once again, they have a "What the f-ck" expression on their face as they cannot believe what they just have read.

" No.7, Privet Drive "

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words count : 859

....... to be continue

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