Chapter 12

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**Her ring gear

**Her ring gear

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Me, JoJo and Trinity had a match tonight a 3 on 3 with The Bellas and Eva Marie. Our match was 3rd so we had a little bit of time. Raw just started. I was already in my gear and was just chilling with Naomi and Dean.

"Me and Jon got into yesterday. He stormed out on me" Trinity said grabbing our attention.

"Huh?" Dean looked confused. He must of heard his name.

"Not you. Jimmy" She laughed. I forget that they had the same names. "We was fussing about the job. He said I put the job before him and he only needed one step from me. But I was like I just don't wanna go run off and get married now and have kids my career is taking off. I wanna wait a few years. I'm about to be 30 soon"

"Y'all have to talk that out. Y'all were cute." I said as Jey came and sat at the table.

"How y'all doing?" He smiled.

"Good I'm ready for my match" I smiled.

"She's fired up she ready to go" Dean smirked. "I'll be cheering you on from here"

I kissed his cheek as he blushed.

"Y'all sure y'all don't date?" Jey raised an brow.

"No we're just close friends. She's like my sister but I mean if she wanted to date we could" He smiled.

"Y'all would be cute" Naomi said. Seth and Roman came over and sat at the table.

"Hey Trin,Dean Jey" Roman said to them. So he's ignoring me again?

"Hey Princess Dee. Stephanie would like to speak with you" Kane came over and told me. I huffed and walked to her office with him following. Before I walked in Kane stopped me. "There's just some things you don't do in this business Dearra"

"What?" I was confused. What did I do? I walked in and saw Stephanie upset.

"Good day Dearra how was your week off" Stephanie asked. I looked around her office and saw Dolph in the corner. Oh no

"It was good" I sat down. I was nervous. My match was in 15 minutes.

"I'm going to get straight to the point. One of our superstars reported to us that you tried to seduce them. That's not the kind of behavior we will tolerate here. Dolph could press charges against you. Dearra I thought I could trust you." Stephanie was mad and I was scared.

I couldn't even believe Dolph lied on me like that.

"Stephanie I wouldn't do anything like that. Not to Dolph or anyone. Dolph isn't even my type. That's not even what happened" I said back.

"Dolph can you leave the floor for a minute" Kane said from behind me. Dolph got up and looked me down then left. "I see bruises on you wrists where are they from?"

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