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Btw we are now back to the present

You were sitting under the tree waiting for a mission. You were bored and didn't really want to bother Sanemi. You hated it when people become annoying trying to get attention and you weren't one of them so you stopped bothering him when he was busy doing stuff.

Sanemi has asked you to eat with at times which was quite surprising coming from his part sense he's always shouting at people or being a hot head.

You put your hand through your hair and sighed.

"You know sighing isn't gonna help your boredom blood pillar" the sound of his voice...the serpent pillar Obanai.

"Easy for you to say, what are you doing here anyways" you said leaning into the treee more.
"What kind of question is that? I'm just laying in this tree like I always do"

You rolled your eyes and scoffed. You and Obanai had this love hate relationship more like brother and sister picking on each other which you didn't mind really.

"Same goes for me. I want to relax on this tree thanks" you said sarcastically.

Before Obanai said anything else you heard Sanemi in the distance call your name which made you a bit excited and make your heart skitter around for the first time. You grabbed  you're yukata uniform under your haori and raised an eye brow
"What the hell" you whispered. Sanemi approached you and stared at you with concern . Before he could ask the question you waved your hand and shook your head that you were fine.
"What do you need?" You asked as you try really hard not to blush.
"Was gonna ask if you wanted to eat together idiot"
You chuckled and smirked. "Aww is the wind pillar missing me that much for not giving you the attention you deserve" you teased making him glare at you. You laughed quietly and just nodded. You walked next to Sanemi in complete silence. You were focused on why your heart heated faster then usual. You only knew that if you blushed near the person you either liked them or loved them. But you didn't really understand the heart beating fast part.
You have to ask mitsuri later on about this heart beating fast thing.

You did how ever know that you slowly started to feel Butterflies when you see him. The desire to be his and feel his touch. You also wanted to feel his warmth. Everytime you had these thoughts you always had to immediately erase it by using your past as an excuse.

Once you and Sanemi made it to the destination you immediately started eating your (favorite food). Sanemi are his quietly while once in a while giving you small 4 second glances while you looked at the scenery. You glanced at him whenever he wasn't looking then he caught you doing the act which made you immediately turn away and pretended that it didn't happen.
"It's rude to stare" you said while continuing to look at the mountain.
"Right back at you" Sanemi growled, you chuckled and turn to look at him.
You took in every detail of him, his white soft looking hair when some small streaks were messy. His scars on his face and upper body made you giddy.
You kept questioning why you felt giddy, you sometimes had to grab your haori and squeeze because you thought he could hear your heart beating fast.

After you finished your food you got up which made Sanemi look at you.
"Imma go ask mitsuri something, I'll be back and if not a mission is assigned to me" you said looking down at his reaction. Sanemi didn't saying anything but nodded in response.


Once you made it towards mitsuri estate you saw her eating some dingos and immediately sped your pace.
"Hey Mitsuri" you called out. She turned to face you and smiled.
"Looking as beautiful as ever y/n Chan~"
You smiled at her compliment and sat down next to her.
"If don't mind, can I ask you a couple of questions"
Mitsuri blinked a couple of times and nodded
"What's this feeling of your heart beating out your chest when ever the person talks or looks at you?" You said as you move your hair out of your face.
"wait you don't know what love is" Mitsuri says shocked at the news.
"I know sibling type love but not like love, love, the type where you ummm....have desire to be with that person." You said Feeling ashamed of not knowing it.
Mitsuri made and O face for a couple of seconds and then closed smiled while patting your shoulder.
"It's ok to not know much cause I know you've only experienced pain and guilt. You only know desire or pleasure not pure love and wanting to be with that person."

The Wind and Blood (Sanemi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now